

Joy Kogawa

Rough Lock Bill Character Analysis

Rough Lock Bill is a First Nations man who lives a reclusive life by a lake in the woods of Slocan. Though he is irritable and unfriendly, he tells Naomi and her friends stories about the land and his people’s history on it. He rescues Naomi from drowning in the lake after Kenji abandons her.
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Rough Lock Bill Character Timeline in Obasan

The timeline below shows where the character Rough Lock Bill appears in Obasan. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 20
Race, Identity, and Citizenship Theme Icon
Speech vs. Silence Theme Icon
...sees a bird that he identifies as “the King bird.” He explains that according to Rough Lock Bill, a curmudgeonly local hermit, the King bird cuts the tongues of liars so they... (full context)
Chapter 21
Race, Identity, and Citizenship Theme Icon
...wants to join him, but Uncle has told her she must not go on rafts. Rough Lock Bill comes upon them and offers to tell them a story. He remarks that all... (full context)
Speech vs. Silence Theme Icon
Naomi has thus far been too nervous to talk to Rough Lock Bill, but when Rough Lock teases her, she speaks. Rough Lock tells her that Indigenous... (full context)
Speech vs. Silence Theme Icon
...Naomi cries that she can’t swim, he abandons her. Naomi begins to drown, until finally Rough Lock Bill appears and pulls her from the water. (full context)
Chapter 22
Race, Identity, and Citizenship Theme Icon
Speech vs. Silence Theme Icon
Rough Lock brings Naomi to a Slocan hospital, where she groggily recovers from her near-death experience. Her... (full context)