Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Willa Cather's O Pioneers!. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
O Pioneers!: Introduction
O Pioneers!: Plot Summary
O Pioneers!: Detailed Summary & Analysis
O Pioneers!: Themes
O Pioneers!: Quotes
O Pioneers!: Characters
O Pioneers!: Symbols
O Pioneers!: Literary Devices
O Pioneers!: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Willa Cather

Historical Context of O Pioneers!
Other Books Related to O Pioneers!
- Full Title: O Pioneers!
- When Written: 1913
- Where Written: New York
- When Published: 1913
- Literary Period: Realism
- Genre: Fiction
- Setting: Hanover, Nebraska in the 1880s
- Climax: Emil and Marie are fatally shot by Marie’s husband, Frank Shabata
- Point of View: Third person
Extra Credit for O Pioneers!
Ban on Film: After being upset by a film adaptation of her novel A Lost Lady in 1934, Willa Cather vowed not to allow any more film adaptions of her writing to be made. She included this stipulation in her will in 1947, but following the death of the last living executor of her estate in 2011, the ban on film adaptations—and the publication of her personal letters—has been lifted.
Willa the Tomboy: As a college student, Cather dressed as a tomboy and sometimes used the name "William." Most of her novels are written from the point of view of a male character. Though she never declared her sexual orientation, it has been a topic of debate among scholars.