
Zadie Smith

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NW: Visitation: Chapter 37 (3) Summary & Analysis

When Leah goes to pick up her developed film at the pharmacy, they have initially misplaced it. When the pharmacist finally gives her the photos, she doesn’t remember taking them. Two of the photos have Shar in them. The pharmacist apologizes.
Leah wants to ignore Shar and the difficult questions that Shar raises, but she finds that this is impossible. Even over a month later, Leah isn’t sure whether or not she should have helped Shar, and the question weighs on her.
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When Leah tells Michel about the photo mix-up, he doesn’t sound surprised, which infuriates her. She thinks it’s crazy that Shar’s photos somehow ended up in her envelope, but she realizes that maybe Michel doesn’t believe her because she’s lied about so many other things recently.
The incident of the photo mix-up goes unexplained. Leah wants to read greater significance into the event, but she’s not sure what exactly it means. Despite being a large region of the city, Northwest London is also small enough that it keeps forcing residents together in unexpected ways.
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