My Beloved World


Sonia Sotomayor

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My Beloved World: Chapter 27 Summary & Analysis

In 1986, Sonia finds herself in the parking lot where the World Series is being played. She’s on the back of a motorcycle, chasing a truck full of counterfeit Mets gear. She goes back in time to explain how she got there. Once she finishes Bob Morgenthau’s difficult cases, she quits. She doesn’t want to get stuck in a large firm working as an underling, and the tiny firm Pavia & Harcourt stands out. It represents clients like Fendi and Ferrari, and two of the nine partners are women. Best of all, associates work directly with partners in mentoring relationships. Sonia knows she’ll learn and advance. Sonia interviews many times and learns that George Pavia fears that she’ll be bored and move on. She convinces him otherwise.
What makes Pavia & Harcourt so appealing is that Sonia will get to live her dream of spending all her time in a mentoring relationship, where she can make a difference and where her contributions are appreciated. It also doesn’t hurt that the firm seems to be progressive when it comes to gender parity, given the two female partners. In all ways, Sonia sees that this firm could become like a family to her if she can convince them to hire her—and thanks to her tenacity and ability to advocate for herself, they do.
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Sonia’s first cases as a beginning associate are eclectic, but they draw on Sonia’s skills as a prosecutor. A few days into the job, a colleague who hears Sonia’s phone calls spreads the world that Sonia is “one tough bitch.” This shakes Sonia, but she realizes that at the DA’s Office, she learned to be abrasive. She sees just how different private practice is when Dave Botwinik assures Sonia that she can accept gifts from clients. Sonia goes to Dave for guidance; he’s comforting and extremely honorable. He always observes the unspoken rules of being a lawyer, and he teaches Sonia about the grain trade.
As Sonia makes the shift to private practice, she has to work on cultivating a persona that matches her new workplace. While her hardened persona may have served her well at the DA’s Office, it’s not as useful here. Again, this speaks to Sonia’s ability to identify the problem and set out a path to fix it. By finding herself another mentor, she ensures that she has help along the way.
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Over the years, Sonia learned to never reveal that she can type—making that public means she’ll end up an informal secretary. She types in front of Dave once, but he stands up for women in the office. Fran Bernstein rises above all of this and types for hours, writing elegant prose with no need to edit. Though she intimidates Sonia at first, she soon becomes a friend and a mentor. Sonia is shocked the first time that Fran asks her to write a brief, as Sonia’s writing is still subpar. Fran graciously accepts the brief and encourages Sonia. Sonia only resists Fran in one regard: Fran encourages Sonia to register as a Republican in order to associate with power. Sonia admires Republican economic policy, but she dislikes their social views. She remains an independent.
Fran is another example of a stellar mentor. She shows Sonia that while refusing to type may be necessary sometimes, she can simply ignore the noise and type anyway. Her gracious acceptance of Sonia’s subpar brief also speaks to her willingness to help others get better. Everything that Sonia does is, at this point, a learning experience for her—briefs aren’t Sonia’s forte, but with Fran’s help, she’s able to improve. But as with Sonia’s other mentors, she retains her independent streak and doesn’t take everything they say as law.
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One day, Fran asks what Sonia knows about designer handbags and introduces her to the world of Fendi. Fran works in intellectual property, which is a new field at this time. Fake Gucci, Fendi, and Rolex products are all over Manhattan’s streets, and Fran understands the danger of not protecting a trademark. Fendi is the first to appreciate Fran’s attempts, as a large retail chain begins to sell knockoff Fendi bags. She asks for Sonia’s help in prosecuting the retail chain. One afternoon, while Fran is preparing witnesses, she leaves Sonia in charge while she takes a phone call. As a prosecutor, Sonia got good at preparing witnesses. As she works with one witness, she realizes that Fran is standing behind her. Later, Fran suggests to Alessandro, the Fendi family lawyer who acts as an interpreter, to ask his uncle to allow Sonia to take the case to court.
Here, Sonia learns that she doesn’t have to get rid of everything she learned at the DA’s Office now that she’s at a private firm—some things she learned will come in handy. And indeed, it’s Sonia’s eclectic education in law that makes Fran decide to put Sonia in charge of the case. Fran’s willingness to stand back and let Sonia take this one speaks not only to her own generosity and willingness to help Sonia, but to the firm’s commitment to helping everyone improve as well. In an environment like this, Sonia can thrive and begin to truly come into herself as a lawyer.
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With this, Sonia’s friendship with the Fendi family begins. Fran gives Sonia the case not just because she’s generous, but because Pavia & Harcourt believes in collaboration. Sonia attempts to be just as generous with young associates and becomes more attentive to how others see her. It’s sometimes difficult—when the firm hires Theresa Bartenope as a secretary, Sonia convinces Theresa to work as her paralegal instead. Theresa always appears when Sonia calls looking terrified and finally, someone tells Sonia that Theresa is afraid of Sonia’s brisk demeanor. In reality, Sonia simply stops noticing social cues when she’s busy. It made her a good prosecutor, but Theresa encourages Sonia to be kind and to pay attention.
It’s not enough for Sonia to simply do a good job at work and win in court. For her, it’s necessary to give back in every way she can, whether that’s by helping the younger associates or giving Theresa more power and responsibility. And Sonia’s willingness to learn from anyone shines when she insists that Theresa is the person who encourages her to be kind and to pay attention to others. Even those who are under her in the pecking order are worthy teachers.
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The Fendi case with the retailer is settled mid-trial, but Sonia works closely with Fran on intellectual property cases. She says that litigation isn’t effective, however, when there are so many counterfeit goods in the street. Trademark owners join together to apply for court orders allowing Pavia & Harcourt to seize counterfeit goods. Sonia works with private investigators to track down manufacturing points and helps Fran work up an affidavit. The investigative work is thrilling. Sonia joins their private investigator on raids to ensure everything is done right. Once, they discover a building filled with hundreds of counterfeit handbags. Sonia sends an associate to file the affidavit, and young Asian guys surround him at the courthouse asking ominously for Sonia. Sonia finds it ironic that she’s in more danger representing luxury goods than she ever was prosecuting murderers.
Just as she’s done throughout her school career, Sonia figures out how to expand her projects to do the most good and accomplish her goal. In this case, that means accepting that courtroom wins don’t actually do much—but what does work is getting into the street and doing fieldwork with an investigator. This flexibility means that Sonia is able to be successful in a variety of different situations and in different groups, as it’s not difficult for her to figure out how to get the best results from any given situation. Her flexibility and her determination allow her to do her job well.
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Two years after Sonia begins working with Fran, Fran’s breast cancer returns. Fran continues to guide Sonia over the phone as she receives treatment. In Sonia’s fourth year at the firm, Fran comes into the office for the first time in months to vote for Sonia to become a partner. She takes Sonia to dinner that night and shares that Sonia will become a partner. Later that evening, Fran insists that Sonia needs to upgrade her wardrobe to properly represent Fendi. Sonia knows this isn’t true; she’s already good friends with Alessandro and eventually helps him and his wife, Fe, move to New York. Sonia loves that Fendi is a family business, and she learns about wealth as she vacations with them in Europe. Most important, though, is Sonia’s friendship with Alessandro—his parents have been to Thanksgiving at Mami’s.
For Fran, it’s extremely important that she do whatever necessary to make sure that Sonia succeed and continue to work on intellectual property law—and at this point, that means coming into the office and voting for Sonia to become a partner. This is how she can make sure that Sonia has the tools she needs to continue the work. For Sonia, however, she knows she’s already set up, simply because she has close and supportive relationships with Alessandro and the other Fendi family members. For her, these relationships are more important than the money and prestige she’ll earn as a partner.
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