Moll Flanders


Daniel Defoe

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The banker is Moll’s fifth husband. Moll meets the banker in London, when she hires him to advise her and manage her bank, and he is immediately interested in her. Because his wife has been unfaithful to him, the banker petitions for a divorce and asks Moll to marry him. She declines and goes to Lancashire, but she leaves her money with him, and they keep up a correspondence. The banker obtains a divorce from his wife, after which she commits suicide, and he again asks Moll to marry him. While the banker doesn’t know it, Moll is already married to James. They have already separated, but Moll is pregnant with his child. After Moll gives birth, she gives her child up and marries the banker. They have two children and are married for a handful of years, until the banker grows lethargic and dies after a dishonest business associate tricks him out of most his fortune. Until his death, the banker is a “safe harbour” for Moll, and he provides her with a stable and happy life. Moll wishes she had married a man like the banker from the beginning. That way, perhaps her life wouldn’t have come to crime, vice, and sin. The banker underscores the connection between poverty and immorality in the novel. While Moll is married to the banker and is not faced with poverty and starvation, she has no need to break the law or behave in immoral ways.
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The Banker Character Timeline in Moll Flanders

The timeline below shows where the character The Banker appears in Moll Flanders. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Moll and the Gentleman
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
...tells the man at the bank her situation, and he directs her to a second banker, who he is sure will be able to help Moll manage her money and affairs. (full context)
Moll Meets the Banker
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
The banker is a kind man. Moll tells him she is a widow from America, and he... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
The banker’s wife ran off and had two children with a linen-draper’s apprentice. The banker tells Moll... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
The banker takes to flattering Moll, which she rather enjoys, but she knows the best way to... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
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Identity Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
Moll tells the banker that she will leave her money in his hands while she travels, and he agrees.... (full context)
Moll Marries the Irishman
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
Moll thinks often of the banker and feels bad for disregarding him, but she soon marries the Irishman, and Moll’s new... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
...quite sure how to handle her lying in. She has kept up correspondence with the banker during her time away, but she hasn’t had the need to remove any money from... (full context)
Moll Meets the Midwife and Marries the Banker
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Moll knows she isn’t in any condition to see the banker. She isn’t foolish enough to marry one man while pregnant with the child of another,... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
...never sees anything indecent take place there. Before long, Moll receives a letter from the banker. He has divorced his wife, and Moll is pleased, but she writes back and claims... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
...Moll gives birth to another son. Soon after, she again receives a letter from the banker. He has obtained a divorce from his wife, and after she was served with the... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Afterward, Moll begins to write the banker in a more friendly tone, and she tells him that she will be in London... (full context)
Gender and Society Theme Icon
The banker presents Moll with documentation of his divorce from his wife and proof of her crime... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
The banker is so happy that Moll has accepted him, there are tears in his eyes as... (full context)
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Before long, a minister arrives, and the banker presents him with the marriage license. Satisfied, the minister asks where the bride is, and... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Sex and Money Theme Icon
Moll and the banker’s marriage is kept completely secret, and they return to their room as husband and wife,... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
The next day, as Moll and the banker are getting ready to return to London, excitement breaks out all over town. Three highwaymen... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
Moll returns to London a married woman and she moves directly into the banker’s house, which she finds well-furnished and more than adequate. There, Moll lives a very happy... (full context)
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
Gender and Society Theme Icon
After the death of the banker, Moll isn’t left in debt, but she doesn’t have enough money to support herself either.... (full context)
Moll in Newgate Prison
Poverty and Morality Theme Icon
...saw the letters, but she never read them or responded for fear her husband, the banker, would find out. James then tells Moll about his case. They only have one witness... (full context)