Moll Flanders


Daniel Defoe

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Moll Flanders makes teaching easy.

Moll Flanders

Moll is the protagonist and narrator of Moll Flanders. Moll is born in Newgate Prison to a convict mother. She is raised by a kind nurse and later taken in by the ladyread analysis of Moll Flanders

The Midwife

The midwife is Moll’s friend. The midwife is a pickpocket early in life, but after she is arrested and transported to Ireland, she becomes a midwife and procuress—meaning she is prostitute who also delivers… read analysis of The Midwife

The Older Brother

The older brother, who remains nameless, is the lady’s son, Robin’s brother, and Moll’s first lover. The older brother is handsome, charming, and incredibly wealthy. After Moll comes to live with his… read analysis of The Older Brother

The Irishman/James

James is Moll’s fourth husband. Moll meets James in Lancashire, and she believes him to be a wealthy estate owner from Ireland. Shortly after they are married, Moll and James learn that they are… read analysis of The Irishman/James

Moll’s Brother/The Plantation Owner

In London, Moll meets the wealthy plantation owner from Virginia, and he quickly begins courting her. The plantation owner is led to believe by Moll’s friends that Moll has a large fortune, but Moll makes… read analysis of Moll’s Brother/The Plantation Owner
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The Banker

The banker is Moll’s fifth husband. Moll meets the banker in London, when she hires him to advise her and manage her bank, and he is immediately interested in her. Because his wife… read analysis of The Banker

The Younger Brother/Robin

Robin is the lady’s son, the older brother’s brother, and Moll’s first husband. Robin falls in love with Moll when she comes to live with his family, and even though he knows… read analysis of The Younger Brother/Robin

Moll’s Mother

Moll’s mother was a convict in Newgate Prison at the time of Moll’s birth. Mother is sentenced to death for stealing a few pieces of fabric, but because she is pregnant, her sentence is… read analysis of Moll’s Mother

The Drunk Man

Moll meets the drunk man at the Bartholomew Fair in London. The drunk man is rich and obviously intoxicated, and he takes to flirting heavily with Moll. They have sex, after which she takes his… read analysis of The Drunk Man

The Linen-Draper

The linen-draper is Moll’s second husband. Moll meets the linen-draper in London after the death of her first husband, Robin. She never loves the linen-draper, but she does find him agreeable, and she… read analysis of The Linen-Draper

The Gentleman

The gentleman is a married man and Moll’s lover. The gentleman is introduced to Moll by her landlady when Moll lives in Bath, and he first claims to have the utmost respect for Moll… read analysis of The Gentleman

The Minister

After Moll is sent to Newgate Prison for theft and is sentenced to death, the Minister comes to see her in her cell. He quotes scripture and asks Moll to repent, which she does sincerely… read analysis of The Minister

The Nurse

The nurse is Moll’s caretaker from the time Moll is three years old until she is a teenager. The nurse takes in orphaned children on behalf of the local parish, and she tenderly cares… read analysis of The Nurse


Humphry is Moll’s son with her third husband, the plantation owner. Humphry is the only one of Moll’s 12 children to be mentioned by name, although even Humphry’s name isn’t revealed until he… read analysis of Humphry

The Lady

The lady is the mother of the older brother and the younger brother, Robin. After the nurse dies, the lady takes Moll in. The lady and her family are wealthy and of the highest… read analysis of The Lady

The Male Comrade

The male comrade is one of Moll’s partners in crime. Fearing her identity has been compromised, Moll begins dressing as a man and takes to working with the male comrade. Moll and the male… read analysis of The Male Comrade

The Shopkeeper

Moll is falsely accused of robbing the shopkeeper’s store in London. The shopkeeper confirms Moll wasn’t the woman who robbed him, but Moll is detained by his two men and held against her will. A… read analysis of The Shopkeeper

The Couple

The couple are a crime team whom Moll briefly works with as a thief in London. The couple (a man and a woman) aren’t married, but they steal together and sleep together. They pull off… read analysis of The Couple

The Landlady

The landlady owns the house where Moll boards in Bath. The landlady does not “keep an ill House,” but she doesn’t have “the best Principles.” In other words, while the landlady does not keep a… read analysis of The Landlady
Minor Characters
Moll’s Sister
Moll’s half-sister is the daughter of Moll’s mother. She is born in Virginia after Moll’s mother is transported to the American colonies. Moll’s sister lives with Moll’s brother on his plantation in Virginia.
The Mayor’s Wife
The mayor’s wife is a socialite in Colchester. After the death of the nurse, the mayor’s wife invites Moll to live with her and her family, but Moll declines and instead chooses to live with the lady.