Doctor Korczak Quotes in Milkweed
Janina looked at me. “What happened?”
“Unlucky orphans,” I said. I told her that was what Enos called them—orphans who did not live in Doctor Korczak's home, or any other, and who roamed the streets hungry and begging and sick.
“Be glad we're not unlucky orphans,” I told her.
“Is gray Jon an unlucky orphan?” she said.
“Oh no,” I said. “He's a lucky one. He's with us.”
Some people died from sickness, some from hunger. There wasn't much I could do about the sickness, but hunger, that was where I came in. Feeding my family—and as much as possible Doctor Korczak's orphans—was what the world had made me for. All the parts—the stealing, the speed, the size, the rash stupidity—came together to make me the perfect smuggler.

Doctor Korczak Quotes in Milkweed
Janina looked at me. “What happened?”
“Unlucky orphans,” I said. I told her that was what Enos called them—orphans who did not live in Doctor Korczak's home, or any other, and who roamed the streets hungry and begging and sick.
“Be glad we're not unlucky orphans,” I told her.
“Is gray Jon an unlucky orphan?” she said.
“Oh no,” I said. “He's a lucky one. He's with us.”
Some people died from sickness, some from hunger. There wasn't much I could do about the sickness, but hunger, that was where I came in. Feeding my family—and as much as possible Doctor Korczak's orphans—was what the world had made me for. All the parts—the stealing, the speed, the size, the rash stupidity—came together to make me the perfect smuggler.