


George Eliot

Mrs. Dunkirk Character Analysis

Mrs. Dunkirk was the wife of Mr. Dunkirk; following her husband’s death she married Bulstrode. Before her own death Mrs. Dunkirk attempted to find her estranged daughter, Sarah, so that Sarah could inherit her fortune. However, after Bulstrode pretended that Sarah could not be found, Bulstrode inherited the fortune instead.
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Mrs. Dunkirk Character Timeline in Middlemarch

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Dunkirk appears in Middlemarch. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 6, Chapter 61
Women and Gender Theme Icon
Ambition and Disappointment Theme Icon
Community and Class Theme Icon
Money and Greed Theme Icon
...where they came from. Not long after this, Dunkirk died, and Bulstrode and the widowed Mrs. Dunkirk planned to marry. Before the marriage, however, Mrs. Dunkirk was desperate to reconnect with her... (full context)
Women and Gender Theme Icon
Community and Class Theme Icon
Money and Greed Theme Icon
...up in the world, and that Sarah and her family were unfit as inheritors of Mrs. Dunkirk ’s wealth because “they were given up to the lightest pursuits.” Bulstrode has occasionally felt... (full context)
Women and Gender Theme Icon
Community and Class Theme Icon
Money and Greed Theme Icon
...pasts are connected. Bulstrode asks if Sarah ever mentioned her own mother, before revealing that Mrs. Dunkirk was his wife and that he gained wealth from the marriage that otherwise would have... (full context)
Community and Class Theme Icon
Money and Greed Theme Icon
...says he wants to give Will the inheritance he would have received from his grandmother, Mrs. Dunkirk . Will realizes that Bulstrode knew how to find Sarah and that he deliberately concealed... (full context)