Mansfield Park


Jane Austen

Lady Bertram is Fanny’s aunt, Mrs. Norris’s sister, and the mother of the Bertram children. Lady Bertram, who was known as quite a beauty in her youth, received her title through her advantageous marriage to Sir Thomas. Lady Bertram is a sluggish, un-emotive, reclusive woman, slow to follow conversations and generally found on her sofa. She often seems more interested in the behavior of her beloved pug than the lives of her four children. Lady Bertram rarely voices strong opinions, but often her hesitancy to leave the drawing room forces Fanny to forgo social events in order to provide her with company.
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Lady Bertram Character Timeline in Mansfield Park

The timeline below shows where the character Lady Bertram appears in Mansfield Park. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
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...the “good luck” to marry Sir Thomas Bertram, thus enjoying a large income and becoming Lady Bertram. Another sister became Mrs. Norris when she married Reverend Mr. Norris, who earned only a... (full context)
Chapter 2
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The Country vs. the City Theme Icon
...air. Sir Thomas attempts to make her comfortable, but his stoic manner prevents his success. Lady Bertram, meanwhile, makes no effort to do so, but her smile and calmness appeal to Fanny. (full context)
Letters and Character Theme Icon
Lady Bertram, meanwhile, has no interest in the girls’ education. Austen mockingly describes her as a person... (full context)
Chapter 3
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...dead, Sir Thomas expects that Mrs. Norris will take Fanny into her household, desiring company. Lady Bertram, hearing Sir Thomas’s musings, tells Fanny. Fanny finds the idea very distressing, and discusses it... (full context)
Manners vs. Morality Theme Icon
...incapable of caring for Fanny. She says she is trying to put money away for Lady Bertram ’s children to inherit one day. (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
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...out their faults. She learns that Dr. Grant is an indulgent eater, which satisfies her. Lady Bertram feels threatened that Mrs. Grant, who is not especially beautiful, has married so well. (full context)
The Country vs. the City Theme Icon
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon leave his family, and concerned about leaving his daughters in the less-than-attentive hands of Lady Bertram. (full context)
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Lady Bertram is displeased that her husband is leaving, but, because she is so self-centered, is not... (full context)
Chapter 4
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon gets along fine. Edmund takes care of the logistics of managing Mansfield Park to Lady Bertram ’s satisfaction. (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Unlike Mrs. Norris, who takes a great interest in the girls’ social engagements, Lady Bertram is too lazy to socialize. Fanny stays in and keeps Lady Bertram company when the... (full context)
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Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
...beloved pony dies. As a result, Fanny feels her health suffering from lack of exercise. Lady Bertram and Mrs. Norris tell Fanny to ride Maria or Julia’s horses when they do not... (full context)
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Edmund rejects all of these arguments. Lady Bertram sides with her son, but thinks they should wait until Sir Thomas returns to make... (full context)
Chapter 6
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...dine at Sotherton or back at Mansfield Park afterward, and Fanny will stay home with Lady Bertram. Everyone agrees except Edmund, who is quiet. (full context)
Chapter 7
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
Mrs. Norris explains that Fanny went out to cut roses for Lady Bertram while Lady Bertram sat outside, and she walked to Mrs. Norris’s house twice that day... (full context)
Chapter 8
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...The Mansfield residents fill them in about the Sotherton plans. Mrs. Rushworth tries to convince Lady Bertram to come, and though Lady Bertram consistently rejects the invitation, she does so in such... (full context)
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
...steps in, and tells Mrs. Rushworth that the exhaustion of traveling would be overwhelming for Lady Bertram. She tells her that Lady Bertram will stay home and that Fanny will keep her... (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon in the carriage they chose, they should take Fanny with them. Edmund asks if Lady Bertram would let Fanny go to Sotherton if she did not need her company, and Lady... (full context)
Manners vs. Morality Theme Icon
Ultimately, Edmund does not have to stay home, because Mrs. Grant offers to keep Lady Bertram company instead. Everyone is thrilled with this plan, and Mrs. Norris claims to have been... (full context)
Chapter 13
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...stop them, however, and they go on to debate what genre of play to produce. Lady Bertram hears the whole conversation, and does not voice any objection. (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
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Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
...they should certainly do the play before Sir Thomas returns, since his voyage will make Lady Bertram nervous and it is better to keep her distracted. (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
As Tom speaks of Lady Bertram, he and Edmund look over to see that she is exceptionally relaxed, and even about... (full context)
Chapter 15
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
...him she is Agatha and Mary is Amelia. Edmund turns to sit near Mrs. Norris, Lady Bertram, and Fanny at the fire. Mr. Rushworth tells him that he has forty-two speeches in... (full context)
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
Lady Bertram, who seems to not care very much, tells Maria to be proper and tells Fanny... (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
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...go into the drawing room to study the play. Henry and Mary arrive. Mary compliments Lady Bertram on the play being finally chosen, saying she is sure that Lady Bertram is tired... (full context)
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Mary returns to Lady Bertram, Fanny, and Edmund, and asks Edmund what he thinks they should do about Anhalt. Edmund... (full context)
Chapter 19
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...merry, happily telling stories of his travels and greeting Mr. Rushworth with a firm handshake. Lady Bertram is very happy to see her husband despite her sluggishness, while Mrs. Norris is upset... (full context)
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Lady Bertram tells Sir Thomas that the young people have been acting, making everyone nervous that he... (full context)
Chapter 23
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
Back at the house, Lady Bertram asks why Mrs. Grant has invited Fanny. They discuss the fact that Sir Thomas will... (full context)
Chapter 24
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...William tells exciting stories about his life in the navy that scare Mrs. Norris and Lady Bertram, but excite Henry’s sense of adventure and make him feel that his own life is... (full context)
Chapter 25
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After the dinner, they play cards. Lady Bertram, who is in the game, cannot make decisions by herself, and so asks Fanny. Fanny... (full context)
Chapter 27
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...does not fit, and so she happily has an excuse to wear Edmund’s instead. When Lady Bertram sends up her servant to help Fanny, she finds her already dressed. (full context)
Chapter 28
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...Thomas’s affection for Fanny, decides to say something about her to him. Mary schmoozes with Lady Bertram and Mrs. Norris as well. (full context)
Chapter 29
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon Peterborough. Fanny tries to find someone to discuss the ball with, and settles for Lady Bertram, who is unsatisfactory. They then play cribbage together. (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Letters and Character Theme Icon
The Country vs. the City Theme Icon
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
...used to it since Edmund will soon be moving away for good. Sir Thomas and Lady Bertram express sadness that all their children are leaving the nest. Julia, who was supposed to... (full context)
Chapter 31
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Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
Henry goes to Mansfield Park the next morning. Lady Bertram leaves Fanny alone with Henry. Henry announces to Fanny that William has been made a... (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
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Mrs. Norris and Lady Bertram discuss the promotion, on which Mrs. Norris’s thoughts are money-focused as usual, and Lady Bertram... (full context)
Chapter 33
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Sir Thomas ends up telling Lady Bertram and Mrs. Norris what has happened, but even Mrs. Norris does not harass Fanny about... (full context)
Chapter 34
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...Edmund and Henry walk into the drawing room to find Fanny reading Shakespeare aloud to Lady Bertram. Henry takes up the book and begins to read, impressing Fanny, despite herself, with his... (full context)
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They all compliment Henry’s reading and discuss Shakespeare. Lady Bertram tells Henry he should set up a theatre at his estate, and Henry replies that... (full context)
Chapter 37
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The one hang-up in the plan is concern that Lady Bertram, who is so dependent on Fanny, will not be able to function without her. Sir... (full context)
Chapter 44
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A few days later, Fanny receives a letter from Lady Bertram. She tells her that Tom has fallen gravely ill after a night of drinking in... (full context)
Chapter 45
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By the end of the week, Fanny receives news from Lady Bertram that Tom’s fever breaks, but that the doctors continue to worry about his lungs. Edmund... (full context)
Chapter 46
The Country vs. the City Theme Icon
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon dinner time, and Fanny is nervous to see everyone, but happy to be back. Lady Bertram, upon seeing her, hugs her, calls her “dear Fanny,” and says that she can at... (full context)
Chapter 47
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Fanny consoles and supports Lady Bertram, who tells her exactly what happened between Maria and Henry, detailing the flirtation that led... (full context)
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Lady Bertram tells how, upon learning the news via letter, Sir Thomas and Edmund went to London... (full context)
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...him, he leaves. Fanny and Edmund discuss the faults of Mary a while longer before Lady Bertram interrupts them. (full context)
Chapter 48
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
Lady Bertram is unhappy about the marriage because it means she will lose Fanny’s company, but Susan,... (full context)