Mansfield Park


Jane Austen

Dr. Grant Character Analysis

Dr. Grant is Mrs. Grant’s husband, and the preacher of Mansfield Park’s parish following Mr. Norris’s death. Dr. Grant is kind, but also a self-indulgent food-lover. As result, he is very demanding, and asks his wife to arrange elaborate meals for him. Dr. Grant represents the hypocritical preachers that Mary references throughout the text—he is more interested in his next luxurious meal than what he says on the pulpit.
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Dr. Grant Character Timeline in Mansfield Park

The timeline below shows where the character Dr. Grant appears in Mansfield Park. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Manners vs. Morality Theme Icon
...husband’s death, but regrets the smaller income she will receive now that he is dead. Dr. Grant takes Mr. Norris’s place as the reverend at Mansfield Park’s parish. He brings with him... (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Manners vs. Morality Theme Icon
...Mrs. Norris to make it her mission to find out their faults. She learns that Dr. Grant is an indulgent eater, which satisfies her. Lady Bertram feels threatened that Mrs. Grant, who... (full context)
Chapter 6
Manners vs. Morality Theme Icon
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
...Parsonage when she lived there with Mr. Norris, including the planting of an apricot tree. Dr. Grant tells her that the tree is still there but that it bears bad fruit, which... (full context)
Chapter 20
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Manners vs. Morality Theme Icon
The Country vs. the City Theme Icon
...The Crawfords and the Bertrams, however, do not see each other for several days. Later, Dr. Grant and Henry come to Mansfield to greet Sir Thomas. Henry informs them he is going... (full context)
Chapter 22
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
...out or not. Mrs. Grant mentions that she had intended to have her cook fix Dr. Grant a turkey on Sunday, but because of the warm weather, they will have to prepare... (full context)
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
...and she resolves to leave. They all go back into the Parsonage, where they find Dr. Grant. Dr. Grant invites Edmund to eat with him the next day, and Mrs. Grant invites... (full context)
Chapter 48
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Manners vs. Morality Theme Icon
The Country vs. the City Theme Icon
Inheritance and Meritocracy Theme Icon
...drama, move to London permanently. Mary moves in with them, and resumes her city lifestyle. Dr. Grant eventually dies. Mary resolves never to love a younger brother again, but has trouble finding... (full context)
Money and Marriage Theme Icon
Edmund and Fanny are extremely happy once they are married, and after Dr. Grant ’s death they move into the Parsonage to be close to Mansfield Park. (full context)