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Maniac Magee: Plot Summary
Maniac Magee: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Maniac Magee: Themes
Maniac Magee: Quotes
Maniac Magee: Characters
Maniac Magee: Symbols
Maniac Magee: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Jerry Spinelli

Historical Context of Maniac Magee
Other Books Related to Maniac Magee
- Full Title: Maniac Magee
- When Published: April, 1990
- Literary Period: Modern
- Genre: Children’s/Young Adult Fiction
- Setting: Two Mills, Pennsylvania
- Climax: Maniac is unable to rescue Russell McNab from the trolley trestle.
- Antagonist: Giant John McNab and Mars Bar Thompson
- Point of View: Third-Person Omniscient
Extra Credit for Maniac Magee
Biographical Basis. The fictional town of Two Mills is based on Spinelli’s hometown of Norristown, Pennsylvania. Bridgeport, Pennsylvania (cited as Maniac’s hometown in the book) is indeed located across the Schuylkill River from Norristown. Other locations in the book are real places, too, like the Elmwood Park Zoo, where Maniac lives with the buffalo, and Valley Forge historical park, where Maniac shelters from the cold.
International Impact. In the early 1990s, the government of South Africa purchased 600 copies of Maniac Magee as part of an effort to promote the anti-Apartheid movement—a fact Spinelli cites as one of his proudest accomplishments with this novel.