Man’s Search for Meaning


Victor Frankl

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Hyper-intention is Frankl’s term for a neurosis that causes patients to be unable to accomplish that which they intend. For example, Frankl writes that one will never achieve success when that is one’s intention. Instead, it will only come when one has forgotten about it entirely.
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Hyper-intention Term Timeline in Man’s Search for Meaning

The timeline below shows where the term Hyper-intention appears in Man’s Search for Meaning. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Postscript 1984: The Case for Tragic Optimism
Freedom, Optimism, and Responsibility Theme Icon
Psychology and Logotherapy Theme Icon
...for happiness, one will not find it. Frankl says that this is similar to the hyper-intention that occurs in sexual neuroses. For example, when one focuses on finding pleasure during sex... (full context)