Love in the Time of Cholera


Gabriel García Márquez

Lucrecia del Real del Obispo Character Analysis

Fermina Daza’s friend visits her regularly after Dr. Juvenal Urbino’s death. Although Lucrecia is a faithful friend, Fermina doubts her honesty after reading an article alleging that Lucrecia had an adulterous affair with Dr. Urbino. Lucrecia is actually innocent, but does not speak to Fermina after this event, thus seemingly confirming her culpability.
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Lucrecia del Real del Obispo Character Timeline in Love in the Time of Cholera

The timeline below shows where the character Lucrecia del Real del Obispo appears in Love in the Time of Cholera. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
Love Theme Icon
Social Norms vs. Personal Fulfillment Theme Icon
...her children visit her occasionally. She becomes increasingly curious about Florentino and asks her friend Lucrecia del Real del Obispo what she knows about him. Lucrecia mentions that Florentino is known as a... (full context)
Sex and Morality Theme Icon
Moral Corruption and Cynicism Theme Icon
...a letter from Florentino containing a news clipping that declared that Dr. Juvenal Urbino and Lucrecia del Real had conducted an adulterous affair. Although this was not true, since the two of them... (full context)