Looking for Alaska

Looking for Alaska


John Green

Mr. Starnes (The Eagle) Character Analysis

Mr. Starnes, known as “the Eagle” among students, is the dean of students at Culver Creek. He believes that discipline is good for young people, and Miles, the Colonel, Takumi, and Alaska spend a great deal of time trying to avoid his watchful eye. The Eagle, however, does decide not to punish Miles and the Colonel for the Alaska Young Memorial Prank.
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Mr. Starnes (The Eagle) Character Timeline in Looking for Alaska

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Starnes (The Eagle) appears in Looking for Alaska. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
2. One Hundred Twenty-Eight Days Before
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...time. The Colonel explains to Miles that they refer to the dean of students as the Eagle because he has such a sharp eye for misbehavior. Miles worries that he will get... (full context)
3. One Hundred Twenty-Seven Days Before
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
...much speculation among the others about who might have ratted Marya and Paul out to the Eagle . (full context)
5. One Hundred Twenty-Two Days Before
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...drinking “ambrosia,” which is a mixture of milk and vodka designed to evade detection by the Eagle . Sara calls on the payphone down the hall and explains to the Colonel that... (full context)
17. Sixty-Seven Days Before
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...that Alaska was the one who told on Marya, and that she might have told the Eagle about the Smoking Hole as well. The Eagle caught Alaska leaving campus with a bottle... (full context)
26. Eight Days Before
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...that they need to time an attack on Kevin with a “pre-prank” that will trick the Eagle into thinking that the yearly prank on the school has already happened. She decides that... (full context)
28. Three Days Before
How to Live and Die Theme Icon
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...for the weekend in the barn and he, the Colonel, Takumi, Alaska, and Lara present the Eagle with a variety of reasons that they need to leave campus. He agrees to all... (full context)
Mystery and the Unknown Theme Icon
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...and that the Great Perhaps is finally happening. Takumi and Miles are tasked with distracting the Eagle by setting off fireworks around campus. Takumi puts on a fox hat because it makes... (full context)
30. One Day Before
Mystery and the Unknown Theme Icon
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...get the fact that she is “a deeply unhappy person.” Everyone checks back in with the Eagle , who doesn’t seem to suspect anything. Miles sleeps for the rest of the day,... (full context)
32. The Day After
Mystery and the Unknown Theme Icon
The Eagle wakes Miles and the Colonel up the next morning and tells them to go to... (full context)
How to Live and Die Theme Icon
Mystery and the Unknown Theme Icon
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
...Then Dr. Hyde walks in, and the Colonel realizes that Alaska isn’t in the gym. The Eagle asks if everyone is present and Miles shouts over and over again that they need... (full context)
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
The Eagle finally tells everyone that overnight, Alaska died in a car crash. The room falls silent.... (full context)
How to Live and Die Theme Icon
Memory and Memorial Theme Icon
Miles tells the Eagle that Alaska is just playing a prank on everyone. The Eagle explains to him that... (full context)
36. Seven Days After
Memory and Memorial Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
The Colonel tells Miles that he has just had lunch with the Eagle , who asked him if he was responsible for setting off the fireworks. Alaska’s aunt... (full context)
43. Twenty-Seven Days After
Mystery and the Unknown Theme Icon
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Memory and Memorial Theme Icon
Four weeks after Alaska’s death, the Colonel decides that that he and Miles should steal the Eagle ’s Breathalyzer and try to replicate Alaska’s intoxication level on her last night, so that... (full context)
Mystery and the Unknown Theme Icon
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
Miles knocks on the Eagle ’s door to distract him so that the Colonel can run in and steal the... (full context)
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...hear footsteps coming down the hall, and Miles tells the Colonel to cry just before the Eagle walks in. Miles lights a cigarette to cover the smell of alcohol, and when the... (full context)
51. Sixty-Nine Days After
How to Live and Die Theme Icon
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Memory and Memorial Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
The school calls an assembly, where the Eagle announces that they are going to build a playground in Alaska’s honor. This does not... (full context)
53. Eighty-Four Days After
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Memory and Memorial Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...and senior class. In order for the prank to work, the group needs to get the Eagle to agree to host “Dr. William Morse,” who they will say is a friend of... (full context)
How to Live and Die Theme Icon
Loyalty and Forgiveness Theme Icon
Memory and Memorial Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...prank and are happy to assist. Longwell Chase, the class president, goes with Miles to the Eagle ’s office, and they tell him that they have chosen a friend of Miles’ dad,... (full context)
54. One Hundred Two Days After
Identity Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...on music and Maxx strips and dances in front of the entire student body until the Eagle asks him to leave. (full context)
Memory and Memorial Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Mischief Theme Icon
...enjoys being able to tell people that this one was her doing. Later that night, the Eagle shows up at Miles and the Colonel’s room and tells them he knows they are... (full context)