Journey to the Center of the Earth


Jules Verne

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Journey to the Center of the Earth: Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis

On May 24, 1863, Professor Otto Lidenbrock returns home early to his house in Hamburg. His servant, Martha, worries that Lidenbrock will expect dinner to be served even though he’s home early, and she asks Lidenbrock’s nephew Axel to get Lidenbrock to listen to reason. Axel doubts anyone could convince his irritable uncle to see reason. Lidenbrock calls for Axel, and Axel’s attempt to “escape” to his room is thwarted when Lidenbrock storms in and demands his nephew follow him. In his narration, Axel acknowledges that Lidenbrock, his “dreadful master,” is not a bad man––he is just remarkably unique. Lidenbrock is a genius mineralogist and geologist, but he is a poor public speaker and centers his lectures on his own interests. Despite his eccentricity, Lidenbrock is well-respected and is the curator at the Museum of Minerology, a coveted position.
This first scene establishes the dynamics of Lidenbrock’s household. Professor Lidenbrock is a domineering force, and Martha and Axel bend to his whims. Martha believes that Lidenbrock can be persuaded to be reasonable, but she lacks the status to convince him herself. But even Axel, who seemingly has more status than the servant Martha, has no faith that he can change his uncle’s mind about anything. He knows Lidenbrock is unreasonable, but he lacks the independence and confidence to challenge Lidenbrock. Axel’s description of his uncle as his “dreadful master” further emphasizes the unequal power dynamic between the two men. Despite his annoyance with Lidenbrock, however, Axel respects him and acknowledges his genius. Their relationship can be tense, but it is not without love and respect.
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Lidenbrock owns his house and, Axel notes, all of its residents. Lidenbrock’s house is home to the servant Martha, a 17-year-old girl named Gräuben, and Axel, Lidenbrock’s orphaned nephew who serves as his assistant. Axel enjoys geology, and he lives happily with his uncle. He knows that despite Lidenbrock’s temper, Lidenbrock loves him. Axel also knows that he shouldn’t keep his uncle waiting, so he follows Lidenbrock into the study.
Axel’s tongue-in-cheek remark that Lidenbrock owns all the members of his households reveals that Axel is well aware of the power imbalance in the house. Though he recognizes this, he makes no efforts to change it, highlighting his complacency when it comes to his uncle. His narration also emphasizes that he is happy in Lidenbrock’s house, once again portraying the relationship between uncle and nephew as one that is multifaceted and, at its core, loving.
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