H is for Hawk


Helen Macdonald

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A creance is a long leash or line attached to a bird’s jesses used during calling-off training.

Creance Quotes in H is for Hawk

The H is for Hawk quotes below are all either spoken by Creance or refer to Creance. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Living with the Wild  Theme Icon
Chapter 5: Holding Tight Quotes

As a child I learned to love falconry’s disconcertingly complex vocabulary. In my old books every part of a hawk was named: wings were sails, claws pounces, tail a train. Male hawks are a third smaller than the female so they are called tiercels, from the Latin tertius, for third. Young birds are eyasses, older birds passagers, adult-trapped birds haggards. Half-trained hawks fly on a long line called a creance. Hawks don’t wipe their beaks, they feak. When they defecate they mute. [...] On and on it goes in a dizzying panoply of terms of precision. The terms were precise for a reason. Knowing your falconry terminology attested to your place in society. […] But the words weren’t about social fear when I was small. They were magic words, arcane and lost. I wanted to master this world that no one knew, to be an expert in its perfect, secret language.

Related Characters: Helen Macdonald (speaker)
Related Symbols: Tethers
Page Number: 47-48
Explanation and Analysis:

It’s a sad picture. It reminds me of a paper by the psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott, the one about a child obsessed with string; a boy who tied together chairs and tables, tied cushions to the fireplace, even, worryingly, tied string around his sister’s neck. Winnicott saw this behaviour as a way of dealing with fears of abandonment by the boy’s mother, who’d suffered bouts of depression. For the boy, the string was a kind of wordless communication, a symbolic means of joining. It was a denial of separation. Holding tight. Perhaps those jesses might have been unspoken attempts to hold onto something that had already flown away. […] I had a twin brother. He didn’t [survive …] When I found out about my twin many years later, the news was surprising. But not so surprising. I’d always felt a part of me was missing […]

Related Characters: Helen Macdonald (speaker), T. H. White , The Breeder
Related Symbols: Tethers
Page Number: 49
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 14: The Line Quotes

I stood there, raised my arm, and whistled the whistle that meant, Please come. This is where you want to be. Fly to me. Ignore the towering clouds, the wind that pushes the trees behind you. Fix yourself on me and fly between where you are and where I am. […] I’d see her drop from the perch, speed towards me, and my heart would be in my mouth. […] I feared the veering off, the sudden fright, the hawk flying away. But the beating wings brought her straight to me, and the thump of her gripping talons on the glove was a miracle. […] There was nothing that was such a salve to my grieving heart as the hawk returning. But it was hard, now, to distinguish between my heart and the hawk at all. When she sat twenty yards [away it was] as if someone had taken my heart and moved it that little distance.

Related Characters: Helen Macdonald (speaker), Mabel (Macdonald’s Goshawk)
Related Symbols: Tethers
Page Number: 134-135
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 17: Heat Quotes

Mabel had flown perfectly for the last two days; she’d come fifty yards instantly to my upraised fist. Everything was accelerating towards that crucial point. Point in the sense of time. Point in the sense of aim. Point in the sense of something so sharp it hurts. Flying the hawk free, unencumbered by the creance, nothing stopping her headlong flight out and away but the lines that run between us; palpable lines, not physical ones: lines of habit, of hunger, of partnership, of familiarity. Of something the old falconers would call love. Flying a hawk free is always scary. It is where you test those lines. And it’s not a thing that’s easy to do when you’ve lost your trust in the world, and your heart is turned to dust.

Related Characters: Helen Macdonald (speaker), Mabel (Macdonald’s Goshawk), Father
Related Symbols: Tethers
Page Number: 158
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 19: Extinction Quotes

Then for a moment everything becomes dotted lines, and the hawk, the pheasant and I merely elements in a trigonometry exercise, each of us labelled with soft italic letters. […] Time stretches and slows. There’s a sense of panic at this point, a little buffet of fear that’s about annihilation and my place in the world. But then the pheasant is flushed, a pale and blurring chunk of muscle and feathers, and the hawk crashes from the hedge towards it. And all the lines that connect heart and head and future possibilities, those lines that also connect me with the hawk and the pheasant and with life and death, suddenly become safe, become tied together in a small muddle of feathers and gripping talons that stand in mud in the middle of a small field in the middle of a small county in a small country on the edge of winter.

Related Characters: Helen Macdonald (speaker), Mabel (Macdonald’s Goshawk), Father
Related Symbols: Tethers
Page Number: 183-184
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 25: Magical Places Quotes

Then I find myself doing something surprising. I raise Mabel’s weight even more and let her range more widely when she flies. This is terrible falconry. ‘Never let a goshawk self-hung,’ say the books. ‘Such independence is the fastest way to lose your hawk.’ I know I shouldn’t slip her unless there’s quarry, right there, in front of her. But how can I resist this method of hawking? Today I walked up to the crest of a hill on a freezing, smoky afternoon, the whole Cambridgeshire countryside laid out in front in woods and fields and copses beneath us, all bosky and bright with golden sunshine, and I can see that what Mabel wants to do is launch a prospecting attack on the hedgerow over the rise. I let her go.

Related Characters: Helen Macdonald (speaker), Mabel (Macdonald’s Goshawk), Father
Related Symbols: Tethers
Page Number: 234
Explanation and Analysis:
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Creance Term Timeline in H is for Hawk

The timeline below shows where the term Creance appears in H is for Hawk. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 13: Alice, Falling
Living with the Wild  Theme Icon
Love, Trust, and Freedom Theme Icon
...for Gos to understand what White wants him to do. Angrily, he tugs on the “creance,” or leash, dragging Gos from his perch. When the confused animal finally starts to hop... (full context)
Fear, Grief, and Loss Theme Icon
Love, Trust, and Freedom Theme Icon
Macdonald places Mabel on a rail, plays out some creance, and walks a few paces away before turning and holding out some chicken. Mabel flies... (full context)
Chapter 16: Rain
Living with the Wild  Theme Icon
Fear, Grief, and Loss Theme Icon
Love, Trust, and Freedom Theme Icon
...White was testing Gos’s affection. One day, he leaves the bird alone on a long creance for a minute. Gos, following his instincts to the highest available perch, gets tangled flying... (full context)
Chapter 17: Heat
Fear, Grief, and Loss Theme Icon
Love, Trust, and Freedom Theme Icon
...free flying Mabel plagues Macdonald with insomnia. She is terrified that when she unclips the creance, the other lines holding the bird to her—lines “of habit, of hunger, of partnership, of... (full context)
Fear, Grief, and Loss Theme Icon
Love, Trust, and Freedom Theme Icon
...She imagines him putting a bow perch outside the barn and tying six yards of creance (made of thin, fraying twine) to Gos’s swivel, before turning his back. And before he... (full context)
Chapter 18: Flying Free
Living with the Wild  Theme Icon
Love, Trust, and Freedom Theme Icon
...off. For days White pursued Gos, anxious for another chance, fearful that the bird’s tattered creance would get tangled in a tree and lead to the bird’s untimely death. (full context)