Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Ghosts: Introduction
Ghosts: Plot Summary
Ghosts: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Ghosts: Themes
Ghosts: Quotes
Ghosts: Characters
Ghosts: Symbols
Ghosts: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Henrik Ibsen

Historical Context of Ghosts
Other Books Related to Ghosts
- Full Title: Ghosts
- When Written: 1881
- When Published: Premiered in 1882
- Literary Period: Realism, Modernism
- Genre: Drama, Family Drama, Realism
- Setting: The Alving estate in western Norway
- Climax: Just as Mrs. Alving is about to tell Oswald the truth about his father’s immoral ways, Regine notices that the orphanage is engulfed in flames.
- Antagonist: Captain Alving
Extra Credit for Ghosts
19th-century Subscription Services. To avoid censorship in London, a group called The Independent Theatre Society created a subscription-based model of staging plays. Because audience members had subscribed to the organization, the performances were considered private instead of public, meaning that productions didn’t need to be approved by London authorities. Ibsen’s Ghosts was The Independent Theatre Society’s first play.
Lost in Translation. Ibsen disapproved of his English translator’s decision to interpret the play’s original title—Genganere—as the English word “ghosts.” The playwright felt that this translation failed to capture the sense of recurrence and repetition that the word genganere communicates.