The angel statue symbolizes Claudia’s desire to figure out who she really is. After running away from her monotonous home life where she’s always been “straight-As Claudia Kincaid,” Claudia sees a newly acquired sculpture on display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art—a small angel with folded arms. Immediately, she can’t stop thinking about the beautiful statue. And when she learns that “Angel” might be an early lost work of Michelangelo (a question debated by art experts), she’s determined to find out the truth one way or the other.
Claudia identifies strongly with Angel, though she’s not sure why. At one point, she even hints to Jamie that she thinks the statue resembles her. As she and Jamie conduct library research and study the statue for possible clues, she realizes that the statue’s mystery has become more important to her than her original goal of simply running away and hiding. In the long term, the runaway adventure won’t matter as much as “Michelangelo, Angel, history, and herself”: somehow, Angel holds a clue to why Claudia ran away in the first place. That’s why she refuses to go home until she discovers Angel’s history. If she goes home without knowing, that will mean she’s returning home as the same person she’s always been, and the whole adventure will have been a failure. She won’t know the truth about where Angel comes from—or, implicitly, about who she is.
When Claudia and Jamie’s research fails to solve the mystery conclusively, Claudia insists that they visit Angel’s previous owner, Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, to seek answers. Among Mrs. Frankweiler’s mixed-up files, the kids finally find a 400-year-old sketch proving that Michelangelo did sculpt Angel. Claudia is overjoyed and intends to keep the discovery secret—such a secret makes her different, not in an outwardly obvious way, but “on the inside where it counts.” Mrs. Frankweiler perceives that by running away, Claudia was really seeking to become “different” all along. Moreover, the determination and resourcefulness it took to solve the mystery is what changed Claudia—and such inner change is a step toward Claudia growing up and becoming fully herself.
Angel Quotes in From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Claudia was lost in remembrance of the beautiful angel she had seen. Why did she seem so important; and why was she so special? Of course, she was beautiful. Graceful. Polished. But so were many other things at the museum. […] And why was there all that commotion about her? The man had come to take pictures. There would be something about it in tomorrow’s paper. They could find out from the newspapers.
“A museum spokesman said yesterday, ‘Whether or not conclusive proof will be found that this was the work of Michelangelo, we are pleased with our purchase.’ Although Michelangelo Buonarroti is perhaps best known for his paintings of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, he always considered himself a sculptor, and primarily a sculptor of marble. The question of whether the museum has acquired one of his lesser known masterpieces still awaits a final answer.”
Claudia didn’t think about their close calls. They were unimportant; they wouldn’t matter in the end, the end having something to do with Michelangelo, Angel, history, and herself.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party;
Dear Museum Head,
We think that you should examine the bottom of the statue for an important clue. The statue we mean is the ocn you bought for $225.00. And the clue is that you will find Michelangelo’s stone* mason’s markk on the bottom. If you need help about this clue, you may write to us at Grande Central Post Office. Box in Manhanttan.
Sincerely, Friends of the Museum
“Yes,” Claudia sighed. “Just a week. I feel as if I jumped into a lake to rescue a boy, and what I thought was a boy turned out to be a wet, fat log. Some heroine that makes. All wet for nothing.” The tears flowed again.
“You sure are getting wet. You started this adventure just running away. Comfortably. Then the day before yesterday you decided you had to be a hero, too.”
“Heroine. And how should I have known that I wanted to be a heroine when I had no idea I wanted to be a heroine? The statue just gave me a chance … almost gave me a chance. We need to make more of a discovery.”
“If only you’d tell me if the statue was done by Michelangelo. Then I would feel that I could go home again.”
“Why would that make a difference?” I asked.
“It would because … because …”
“Because you found that running away from home didn’t make a real difference? You were still the same Greenwich Claudia, planning and washing and keeping things in order?”
“I guess that’s right,” Claudia said quietly.
I was glad that I wasn’t dealing with a stupid child. I admired her spirit; but more, I wanted to help her see the value of her adventure. She still saw it as buying her something: appreciation first, information now. Nevertheless, Claudia was tiptoeing into the grown-up world. And I decided to give her a little shove. “Claudia. James. Both of you. Come with me.”
The other side of the paper needed no translation. For there, in the midst of sketches of hands and torsos was a sketch of someone they knew: Angel. There were the first lines of a thought that was to become a museum mystery 470 years later. There on that piece of old paper was the idea just as it had come from Michelangelo’s head to his hand, and he had jotted it down.
Claudia looked at the sketch until its image became blurred. She was crying.
“Returning with a secret is what she really wants. Angel had a secret and that made her exciting, important. Claudia doesn’t want adventure. She likes baths and feeling comfortable too much for that kind of thing. Secrets are the kind of adventure she needs. Secrets are safe, and they do much to make you different. On the inside where it counts.”
Claudia said, “But, Mrs. Frankweiler, you should want to learn one new thing every day. We did even at the museum.”
“No,” I answered, “I don’t agree with that. I think you should learn, of course, and some days you must learn a great deal. But you should also have days when you allow what is already in you to swell up inside of you until it touches everything. And you can feel it inside you. If you never take time out to let that happen, then you just accumulate facts, and they begin to rattle around inside of you. You can make noise with them, but never really feel anything with them. It’s hollow.”
Well, Saxonberg, that’s why I’m leaving the drawing of Angel to Claudia and Jamie Kincaid, your two lost grandchildren that you were so worried about. Since they intend to make me their grandmother, and you already are their grandfather, that makes us—oh, well, I won’t even think about that.