

Isaac Asimov

Foundation: Part 5, Chapter 4 Summary & Analysis

Mallow and his crew arrive in Korell, a decayed republic under the authoritarian rule of Commdor Asper Argo, where both Foundation traders and missionaries are forbidden. For seven days, Mallow’s requests for an audience with the Commdor go unanswered. During this time, the crew grows restless, and Twer questions Mallow’s decision to wait. Twer worries that Korell might be preparing to attack, but Mallow insists on patience. He explains that the Korellians may be testing their nuclear capabilities or gauging the Foundation’s reaction.
Mallow’s decision to wait for Korell’s response shows his confidence in his reading of the situation. He sees the silence as a deliberate test rather than a threat, refusing to act impulsively despite Twer’s concerns. This patience demonstrates Mallow’s understanding of diplomacy and the need to maintain control, especially when navigating an unpredictable political landscape.
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On the seventh day, the crew admits a missionary named Jord Parma to the ship, disregarding Mallow’s strict orders against unauthorized entry. Injured and disoriented, Parma begs for protection from Korellian persecution. Mallow reprimands the crew for their disobedience, punishes those responsible, and confronts Parma. He questions the missionary about his presence in Korell, noting that Foundation law prohibits missionaries from entering the region. Parma pleads for sanctuary, invoking the Galactic Spirit, but Mallow remains unmoved, suspecting the incident is a deliberate ploy by Korellian authorities.
The incident with Jord Parma demonstrates Mallow’s ability to prioritize the mission over sentimentality or tradition. Instead of risking escalation by protecting the missionary, Mallow chooses the pragmatic option of handing him over, recognizing the situation as a deliberate trap. His response avoids unnecessary conflict and keeps his focus on the broader goal, even if it challenges the Foundation’s religious customs.
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Shortly after, an angry mob gathers outside the spaceport, demanding the missionary’s surrender. Mallow orders his crew to maintain discipline and negotiates with the mob’s leader, a hesitant local official. He hands Parma over to the authorities, despite Twer’s protests, to avoid escalating the situation into a conflict. In private, Mallow warns Twer about publicly disobeying his orders, as doing so sends mixed messages to the crew, and Mallow will have to imprison Twer if he does it again. Twer apologizes and promises to be more careful in the future. While they are speaking, Mallow receives a formal invitation from the Commdor, confirming his suspicion that the missionary’s arrival and the mob were part of a calculated test.
When Mallow reprimands Twer, it reinforces his insistence on discipline and a clear chain of command. Disobedience risks confusion among the crew, and Mallow ensures that his authority remains firm. His measured approach keeps the crew in line without alienating Twer, preserving unity at a critical moment. The formal invitation from the Commdor validates Mallow’s strategy, showing that his calm handling of events has earned Korell’s attention and respect.
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