

Isaac Asimov

Hober Mallow Character Analysis

Hober Mallow is a bold, pragmatic trader and a central figure in the Foundation’s use of commerce in its rise to power. Introduced as a Master Trader, Mallow’s ability to blend economic strategy with political acumen allows him to outmaneuver opponents and navigate crises with confidence. He focuses on trade rather than religion, marking a shift in the Foundation’s approach to influence. Unlike earlier Foundation leaders, Mallow prioritizes practical solutions over ideological control, using technology as a tool for economic dominance. In the story, Mallow is tasked with investigating Korell’s mysterious nuclear capabilities. Through careful observation, he uncovers links to the declining Galactic Empire, solidifying his role as a shrewd problem solver. His decisions often spark controversy—most notably when he hands over a missionary to hostile forces, prioritizing political strategy over loyalty to religion. Mallow’s ambition and foresight enable him to win leadership of the Foundation, securing his place in its history alongside Hari Seldon and Salvor Hardin.

Hober Mallow Quotes in Foundation

The Foundation quotes below are all either spoken by Hober Mallow or refer to Hober Mallow. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Historical Forces vs. Individual Effort Theme Icon
Part 5, Chapter 1 Quotes

TRADERS—... With psychohistoric inevitability, economic control of the Foundation grew. The traders grew rich; and with riches came power....

It is sometimes forgotten that Hober Mallow began life as an ordinary trader. It is never forgotten that he ended it as the first of the Merchant Princes....

Related Characters: Hober Mallow, Hari Seldon
Page Number: 205
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 3 Quotes

“Listen, there’s a Seldon crisis coming up.”

Mallow waited for a reaction but it never came. Twer merely stared. “What’s a Seldon crisis?”

“Galaxy!” Mallow exploded angrily at the anticlimax, “What the blue blazes did you do when you went to school? What do you mean anyway by a fool question like that?”

Related Characters: Hober Mallow (speaker), Hari Seldon, Jaim Twer
Page Number: 214
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 10 Quotes

“There have been stories percolating through space. They travel strange paths and become distorted with every parsec,—but when I was young there was a small ship of strange men, who did not know our customs and could not tell where they came from. They talked of magicians at the edge of the Galaxy; magicians who glowed in the darkness, who flew unaided through the air, and whom weapons would not touch.

“We laughed. I laughed, too. I forgot it till today. But you glow in the darkness, and I don’t think my blaster, if I had one, would hurt you. Tell me, can you fly through air as you sit there now?”

Related Characters: Onum Barr (speaker), Hober Mallow
Page Number: 250-251
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 13 Quotes

“And time enough, too,” said Mallow, indifferently, “for a policy outdated, dangerous and impossible. However well your religion has succeeded in the Four Kingdoms, scarcely another world in the Periphery has accepted it. At the time we seized control of the Kingdoms, there were a sufficient number of exiles, Galaxy knows, to spread the story of how Salvor Hardin used the priesthood and the superstition of the people to overthrow the independence and power of the secular monarchs. And if that wasn’t enough, the case of Askone two decades back made it plain enough. There isn’t a ruler in the Periphery now that wouldn’t sooner cut his own throat than let a priest of the Foundation enter the territory.”

Related Characters: Hober Mallow (speaker), Salvor Hardin, Jorane Sutt
Page Number: 265-266
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 15 Quotes

Jael swallowed dryly, “How? What are you going to do?”


Jael smiled uncertainly, “Really! All of that!”

But Mallow’s answer was incisive, “When I’m boss of this Foundation, I’m going to do nothing. One hundred percent of nothing, and that is the secret of this crisis.”

Related Characters: Hober Mallow (speaker), Ankor Jael
Page Number: 281
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 18 Quotes

“This is a Seldon crisis we’re facing, Sutt, and Seldon crises are not solved by individuals but by historic forces. Hari Seldon, when he planned our course of future history, did not count on brilliant heroics but on the broad sweeps of economics and sociology. So the solutions to the various crises must be achieved by the forces that become available to us at the time.

“In this case, —trade!”

Related Characters: Hober Mallow (speaker), Hari Seldon, Jorane Sutt
Page Number: 289-290
Explanation and Analysis:
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Hober Mallow Quotes in Foundation

The Foundation quotes below are all either spoken by Hober Mallow or refer to Hober Mallow. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Historical Forces vs. Individual Effort Theme Icon
Part 5, Chapter 1 Quotes

TRADERS—... With psychohistoric inevitability, economic control of the Foundation grew. The traders grew rich; and with riches came power....

It is sometimes forgotten that Hober Mallow began life as an ordinary trader. It is never forgotten that he ended it as the first of the Merchant Princes....

Related Characters: Hober Mallow, Hari Seldon
Page Number: 205
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 3 Quotes

“Listen, there’s a Seldon crisis coming up.”

Mallow waited for a reaction but it never came. Twer merely stared. “What’s a Seldon crisis?”

“Galaxy!” Mallow exploded angrily at the anticlimax, “What the blue blazes did you do when you went to school? What do you mean anyway by a fool question like that?”

Related Characters: Hober Mallow (speaker), Hari Seldon, Jaim Twer
Page Number: 214
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 10 Quotes

“There have been stories percolating through space. They travel strange paths and become distorted with every parsec,—but when I was young there was a small ship of strange men, who did not know our customs and could not tell where they came from. They talked of magicians at the edge of the Galaxy; magicians who glowed in the darkness, who flew unaided through the air, and whom weapons would not touch.

“We laughed. I laughed, too. I forgot it till today. But you glow in the darkness, and I don’t think my blaster, if I had one, would hurt you. Tell me, can you fly through air as you sit there now?”

Related Characters: Onum Barr (speaker), Hober Mallow
Page Number: 250-251
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 13 Quotes

“And time enough, too,” said Mallow, indifferently, “for a policy outdated, dangerous and impossible. However well your religion has succeeded in the Four Kingdoms, scarcely another world in the Periphery has accepted it. At the time we seized control of the Kingdoms, there were a sufficient number of exiles, Galaxy knows, to spread the story of how Salvor Hardin used the priesthood and the superstition of the people to overthrow the independence and power of the secular monarchs. And if that wasn’t enough, the case of Askone two decades back made it plain enough. There isn’t a ruler in the Periphery now that wouldn’t sooner cut his own throat than let a priest of the Foundation enter the territory.”

Related Characters: Hober Mallow (speaker), Salvor Hardin, Jorane Sutt
Page Number: 265-266
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 15 Quotes

Jael swallowed dryly, “How? What are you going to do?”


Jael smiled uncertainly, “Really! All of that!”

But Mallow’s answer was incisive, “When I’m boss of this Foundation, I’m going to do nothing. One hundred percent of nothing, and that is the secret of this crisis.”

Related Characters: Hober Mallow (speaker), Ankor Jael
Page Number: 281
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5, Chapter 18 Quotes

“This is a Seldon crisis we’re facing, Sutt, and Seldon crises are not solved by individuals but by historic forces. Hari Seldon, when he planned our course of future history, did not count on brilliant heroics but on the broad sweeps of economics and sociology. So the solutions to the various crises must be achieved by the forces that become available to us at the time.

“In this case, —trade!”

Related Characters: Hober Mallow (speaker), Hari Seldon, Jorane Sutt
Page Number: 289-290
Explanation and Analysis: