Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Anita Desai's Fire on the Mountain. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Fire on the Mountain: Introduction
Fire on the Mountain: Plot Summary
Fire on the Mountain: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Fire on the Mountain: Themes
Fire on the Mountain: Quotes
Fire on the Mountain: Characters
Fire on the Mountain: Symbols
Fire on the Mountain: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Anita Desai

Historical Context of Fire on the Mountain
Other Books Related to Fire on the Mountain
- Full Title: Fire on the Mountain
- When Written: 1970s
- Where Written: India
- When Published: 1977
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Novel, Realism
- Setting: A house situated in a small Indian town in the Himalayan foothills
- Climax: Ila Das is murdered, and Raka starts a wildfire
- Point of View: Third Person
Extra Credit for Fire on the Mountain
Place of the Gods. Monkey Point got its name because according to legend, the Hindu god Hanuman (who has monkey-like characteristics) stepped down there as he descended from the Himalayas bearing a magical herb.
Wild Things. In the book, Raka becomes fascinated with the Pasteur Institute, which manufactures rabies vaccines among other things. Rabies was—and still is—a significant health risk in India, which accounts for 36 percent of global rabies infections thanks to its large population of stray dogs. Fortunately, safe and effective modern vaccines are 100 percent effective against death if administered in a timely and correct manner.