Nearly all the characters in Fight Club are men (the one notable exception is Marla Singer), and the novel examines the state of masculinity in modern times.
The novel suggests that modern society emasculates men by forcing them to live consumerist lives centered around shopping, clothing, and physical beauty. The novel further suggests that such traits are necessarily effeminate, and therefore that because American society prizes these things it represses the aspects of men that make men, men. In short, the novel depicts the men it portrays as being so emasculated they’ve forgotten what being a “real man” means.
Fight club emerges as a reaction to this state of affairs, with the purpose of allowing men to rediscover their raw masculinity. But what, according to Fight Club, is masculinity? Based on the philosophy of the fight clubs themselves, being a masculine, “real” man means being willing to feel pain, and dole pain out to other people. For Tyler Durden (and perhaps Palahniuk as well) masculinity is, above all, a physical state: an awareness of one’s body, and a willingness to use one’s body to satisfy deep, aggressive needs. As such, the fight clubs offer the men a thrilling sense of life that the rest of their existence sorely lacks.
But as the novel pushes toward its conclusion, its portrayal of masculinity becomes more complicated. Ultimately, the novel comes to suggest that raw, unchecked masculinity can be just as if not more harmful than an emasculated, consumerist society. Tyler Durden and his followers in “Project Mayhem” engineer a series of dangerous terrorist attacks, and the Narrator begins to see that Project Mayhem, with its overly eager embrace of the more “primal” aspects of masculinity—notably, aggression and violence—is too destructive, and must be stopped.
To state an obvious and troubling fact, fight club is a men’s club. The men who join believe that traditionally effeminate values and behaviors are destroying them—or, worse, that women themselves are the enemy (as the Narrator says, “Maybe another woman isn’t what I need right now”). Many critics have argued convincingly that the novel (and Palahniuk) ultimately shares the characters’ implicitly and sometimes explicitly misogynistic attitudes, pointing to the lack of any strongly articulated alternative to the characters’ views, and to the absence of any major female characters other than Marla Singer. Other critics have argued that the Narrator’s feelings for Marla (and her reciprocal feelings for the Narrator) suggest an alternative to pure, unfiltered masculinity, and therefore a critique of the characters’ misogyny.
While the members of fight club and Project Mayhem dismiss women and femininity altogether, toward the end of the book the Narrator goes to Marla for help while fighting Tyler and Project Mayhem. Perhaps, through the Narrator’s alliance with Marla, Palahniuk is trying to suggest that the answer to society’s problems (perceived effeminateness) isn’t to “swing back” in the opposite direction and be hyper-masculine, but to embrace some values that are stereotypically masculine (such as strength) and some that are more stereotypically feminine (such as compassion)—values that in fact aren’t masculine or feminine, but simply human.
Masculinity in Modern Society ThemeTracker

Masculinity in Modern Society Quotes in Fight Club
The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club.
I'm a thirty-year-old boy, and I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer I need.
The first night we fought was a Sunday night, and Tyler hadn't shaved all weekend so my knuckles burned raw from his weekend beard. Lying on our backs in the parking lot, staring up at the one star that came through the streetlights, I asked Tyler what he'd been fighting. Tyler said, his father.
After the union president had slugged Tyler to the floor, after mister president saw Tyler wasn't fighting back, his honor with his big Cadillac body bigger and stronger than he would ever really need, his honor hauled his wingtip back and kicked Tyler in the ribs and Tyler laughed. His honor shot the wingtip into Tyler's kidneys after Tyler curled into a ball, but Tyler was still laughing.
"Get it out," Tyler said. "Trust me. You'll feel a lot better. You'll feel great."
When Tyler invented Project Mayhem, Tyler said the goal of Project Mayhem had nothing to do with other people. Tyler didn't care if other people got hurt or not. The goal was to teach each man in the project that he had the power to control history. We, each of us, can take control of the world.
I love everything about Tyler Durden, his courage and his smarts. His nerve. Tyler is funny and charming and forceful and independent, and men look up to him and expect him to change their world. Tyler is capable and free, and I am not.
I'm not Tyler Durden.
"But you are, Tyler," Marla says.
"His name is Robert Paulson."
And the crowd yells, "His name is Robert Paulson."
The leaders yell, "He is forty-eight years old."
And the crowd yells, "He is forty-eight years old."
There's Marla.
Jump over the edge.
There's Marla, and she's in the middle of everything and doesn't know it.
And she loves you.
She loves Tyler.
She doesn't know the difference.
Somebody has to tell her. Get out. Get out. Get out.