Most of the characters in Fight Club, including the Narrator and Tyler, are attracted to pain and fighting—on the most immediate level, they go to fight club in order to hurt themselves, as well as each other, and most of the characters are obsessed with death. In large part, the novel’s characters behave masochistically because they consider death and pain to be more “real” than the lives they lead outside the fight club. But how does the novel define the “real?”
As the novel portrays it, the Narrator and millions of other people like him live meaningless, superficial lives, dominated by purchasing goods. By starting the fight club (and visiting cancer support groups before that), the Narrator and Tyler are trying to exist “in the moment”—they want to feel pain in order to move closer to a visceral, physical world that they cannot access in the course of their ordinary lives. The relationship between death, pain, and reality is summed up by Marla Singer, who tells the Narrator that she wants to get as close as possible to death without actually dying. The goal of the fight club, then, is to bring its members closer and closer to death in order to get them to truly embrace life—that’s why Tyler pours lye on his recruits’ hands, urges his recruits to get in fights and lose, and sends them on dangerous missions—to feel pain, to experience fear and danger, and in so doing to feel the thrill of life.
It’s not clear to what extent Palahniuk means to satirize the fight club and to what extent he agrees with its principles, however. A major contradiction in the fight club is that to be truly “successful” in experiencing death and embracing life, you would actually have to die—in which case you’d never get to embrace “real” life at all. Furthermore, the very nature of the fight club is such that the means of experiencing pain and danger necessarily involves inflicting pain on another as well—and this “other” might not be such a voluntary participant in the endeavor (as in the fights people start outside of the fight club, or the victims of Project Mayhem). Overall, the novel leaves it unclear if Tyler and the Narrator’s experiments with pain and death actually provide real meaning and fulfillment or just a kind of selfish, thrill-seeking illusion of meaning that ultimately leads to destruction.
At the end of the book, the Narrator tries to kill himself with a gun, but botches the attempt: he wants to die, but survives. It would seem that the Narrator has lived up to the principles of Tyler’s “death-worship”—he’s truly willing to lay down his own life. But what kind of life the Narrator is now “free” to live is left to our imagination—Palahniuk doesn’t, or can’t, represent it in the novel. If being “real” is about visceral, physical experience in the face of death, then by definition such a feeling can’t be conveyed with words on a page—any attempt to convey it would ring false. But by the same token, the ending leaves it unclear whether there is such a thing as “the real” that’s worth aspiring to, or whether the fight club’s realness is just glamorized, meaningless pain.
Death, Pain, and the “Real” ThemeTracker

Death, Pain, and the “Real” Quotes in Fight Club
"Funerals are nothing compared to this," Marla says. "Funerals are all abstract ceremony. Here, you have a real experience of death."
Tyler said, "I want you to hit me as hard as you can."
The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club.
The first night we fought was a Sunday night, and Tyler hadn't shaved all weekend so my knuckles burned raw from his weekend beard. Lying on our backs in the parking lot, staring up at the one star that came through the streetlights, I asked Tyler what he'd been fighting. Tyler said, his father.
"You have to see," Tyler says, "how the first soap was made of heroes."
Think about the animals used in product testing.
Think about the monkeys shot into space.
"Without their death, their pain, without their sacrifice," Tyler says, "we would have nothing."
New leather multiplied by labor cost multiplied by administration cost would equal more than our first-quarter profits. If anyone ever discovers our mistake, we can still pay off a lot of grieving families before we come close to the cost of retrofitting sixty-five hundred leather interiors.
Marla's philosophy of life, she told me, is that she can die at any moment. The tragedy of her life is that she doesn't.
After the union president had slugged Tyler to the floor, after mister president saw Tyler wasn't fighting back, his honor with his big Cadillac body bigger and stronger than he would ever really need, his honor hauled his wingtip back and kicked Tyler in the ribs and Tyler laughed. His honor shot the wingtip into Tyler's kidneys after Tyler curled into a ball, but Tyler was still laughing.
"Get it out," Tyler said. "Trust me. You'll feel a lot better. You'll feel great."
When Tyler invented Project Mayhem, Tyler said the goal of Project Mayhem had nothing to do with other people. Tyler didn't care if other people got hurt or not. The goal was to teach each man in the project that he had the power to control history. We, each of us, can take control of the world.
Up above me, outlined against the stars in the window, the face smiles. "Those birthday candles," he says, "they're the kind that never go out."
In the starlight, my eyes adjust enough to see smoke braiding up from little fires all around us in the carpet.
"You had a near-life experience," the mechanic says.
Raymond K. K. Hessel, your dinner is going to taste better than any meal you've ever eaten, and tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of your entire life.
"His name is Robert Paulson."
And the crowd yells, "His name is Robert Paulson."
The leaders yell, "He is forty-eight years old."
And the crowd yells, "He is forty-eight years old."
The three ways to make napalm. I knew Tyler was going to kill my boss. The second I smelled gasoline on my hands, when I said I wanted out of my job, I was giving him permission. Be my guest.
Kill my boss.
Oh, Tyler.
I know a computer blew up.
I know this because Tyler knows this.
There's Marla.
Jump over the edge.
There's Marla, and she's in the middle of everything and doesn't know it.
And she loves you.
She loves Tyler.
She doesn't know the difference.
Somebody has to tell her. Get out. Get out. Get out.
His name was Patrick Madden, and he was the mayor's special envoy on recycling. His name was Patrick Madden, and he was an enemy of Project Mayhem.
Tyler says, "The last thing we have to do is your martyrdom thing. Your big death thing."
“Everything's going according to the plan.”
“We're going to break up civilization so we can make something better out of the world.”
“We look forward to getting you back.”