Tyler Durden is an enthusiastic maker of soap; he renders fat (sometimes human fat) and converts it into luxurious, expensive soaps that he sells for a hefty profit. As Tyler explains, the process of making soap is incredibly brutal: animals have to be slaughtered, bodies have to be harvested, just to produce a state of cleanliness. Soap—not just the object but the process of making it—is a symbol of the brutality and violence of the “real world,” a world that most people would prefer to ignore. Furthermore, soap is a symbol of the pain and sacrifice needed to keep the world turning, and of the invisible dirtiness involved in the way that people keep themselves clean.
Soap Quotes in Fight Club
"You have to see," Tyler says, "how the first soap was made of heroes."
Think about the animals used in product testing.
Think about the monkeys shot into space.
"Without their death, their pain, without their sacrifice," Tyler says, "we would have nothing."