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Fight Club: Introduction
Fight Club: Plot Summary
Fight Club: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Fight Club: Themes
Fight Club: Quotes
Fight Club: Characters
Fight Club: Symbols
Fight Club: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Chuck Palahniuk

Historical Context of Fight Club
Other Books Related to Fight Club
- Full Title: Fight Club
- When Written: 1994-1995
- Where Written: Portland, Oregon, USA
- When Published: August 17, 1996
- Literary Period: Postmodernism, punk
- Genre: Transgressive fiction, Contemporary novel
- Setting: Contemporary America
- Climax: The Narrator shoots himself
- Antagonist: It’s unclear: Tyler Durden could be considered the antagonist, or, more abstractly, corporate America and consumer culture
- Point of View: First person (The Narrator)
Extra Credit for Fight Club
Family connections. Palahniuk is a distant relative of the Academy Award-winning Hollywood actor Jack Palance (hence the similar surnames).
The fight that started it all. Palahniuk has stated on several occasions that he got the idea for Fight Club after going on a camping trip and getting in a bad fight that left his face horribly bruised. When Palahniuk showed up for work a few days later, he was amazed to find that colleagues refused to acknowledge his beaten face, avoiding eye contact with him at all times. The surreal incident formed the basis for Palahniuk’s most famous novel.