Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


Jonathan Safran Foer

Georgia Black Character Analysis

Georgia lives on Staten Island, which means that Oskar has to face his fear of boats and take the ferry to her house. Georgia’s whole house is devoted to her husband, even though he’s still alive. Georgia is the first of the Blacks whom Grandpa meets while Grandpa is following Oskar; that’s how he starts to learn about Oskar’s journey, and how he learns that Oskar’s Mom is also tracking her son’s whereabouts.
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Georgia Black Character Timeline in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

The timeline below shows where the character Georgia Black appears in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 13, “Alive and Alone”
Mortality and the Purpose of Life Theme Icon
Puzzles and Cleverness Theme Icon
Trauma and Guilt Theme Icon
Superstition and Ritual Theme Icon
Love and Family Theme Icon
Language and Communication Theme Icon
...signs all over everything; Fo says that he thought “ny” meant “you.” Oskar talks about Georgia Black , in Staten Island, whose house is a museum of her husband’s life, though her... (full context)
Chapter 14, “Why I’m Not Where You Are (9/11/03)”
Mortality and the Purpose of Life Theme Icon
Puzzles and Cleverness Theme Icon
Trauma and Guilt Theme Icon
Superstition and Ritual Theme Icon
Love and Family Theme Icon
Language and Communication Theme Icon
...map doesn’t seem to make any sense. Grandpa goes up to house, on Staten Island—probably Georgia Black ’s house—and knocks on the door after Oskar and Mr. Black leave; the woman tells... (full context)