Every Man in His Humour


Ben Jonson

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Every Man in His Humour: Act 4, Scene 6 Summary & Analysis

Roger Formal and Old Knowell meet in a street of the Old Jewry. Brainworm arrives too, still disguised as a soldier. Brainworm craftily informs Knowell that Edward has received information about his father’s attempts to spy on him. Brainworm claims to have been set upon by Edward and his entourage, who somehow knew he was working for Old Knowell.
Brainworm’s story is, of course, entirely fictional, serving to help him control the movements of Old Knowell and keep himself—and Edward—informed.
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Brainworm relays that, during his run-in with Edward and the others, he gleaned that they are heading to Cob’s house—where Edward has his eye on “brave citizens’ wives.” Knowell instructs Brainworm to stay with Roger Formal and leaves.
Brainworm plays Old Knowell like a piece on a chess board. Now that he’s been asked to spend time with Formal, Brainworm senses further mischievous opportunity.
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Roger Formal, intrigued by Brainworm’s (false) backstory, insists on buying him some wine and hearing about his life. They exit for the Windmill.
Formal’s desire to hear about Fitzsword’s story plays into Brainworm’s hands better than he could have planned.
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