Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Alexander Pushkin's Eugene Onegin. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Eugene Onegin: Introduction
Eugene Onegin: Plot Summary
Eugene Onegin: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Eugene Onegin: Themes
Eugene Onegin: Quotes
Eugene Onegin: Characters
Eugene Onegin: Symbols
Eugene Onegin: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Alexander Pushkin

Historical Context of Eugene Onegin
Other Books Related to Eugene Onegin
- Full Title: Eugene Onegin
- When Written: 1823–1833
- Where Written: St. Petersburg, Russia
- When Published: Published serially beginning in 1825; complete edition published in 1833
- Literary Period: Romanticism, Russian Golden Age of Literature
- Genre: Verse Novel, Russian Literature
- Setting: St. Petersburg and the surrounding countryside; Moscow
- Climax: Tatyana rejects Eugene.
- Antagonist: Melancholy
- Point of View: First Person
Extra Credit for Eugene Onegin
The Death of Pushkin. Some of Pushkin’s contemporaries blamed his death on his wife, Natalia Goncharova, whose alleged infidelity led to his fatal duel. Some modern historians, however, take a more favorable view of her, noting that she helped protect him from the tsarist government and meticulously preserved his letters, which were later published.
Current Events. Statues, streets, and monuments of Alexander Pushkin became a source of controversy in Ukraine after the Russian invasion of 2022, when some were renamed or torn down. Some Ukrainians believe that elements of Pushkin’s work specifically support Russian imperialism. Others simply object on the grounds that Pushkin himself had no connection to Ukraine and believe that statues of him were initially erected as an attempt to spread Russian culture.