

Octavia Butler

Curt Loehr Character Analysis

Curt is a former New York City cop that Lilith Awakens in an attempt to balance out her group of humans to resettle Earth. But due to his racism, distrust of Lilith, and impulsive behavior, he instead destabilizes the group, ultimately leaving it to form his own. At the end of the novel, he gives into his rage and murders Joseph.

Curt Loehr Quotes in Dawn

The Dawn quotes below are all either spoken by Curt Loehr or refer to Curt Loehr. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humanity, Evolution, and Genetics Theme Icon
Book 4, Chapter 6 Quotes

“I don’t believe he meant to kill anyone,” Nikanj said. “He was angry and afraid and in pain. Joseph had injured him when he hit you. Then he saw Joseph healing, saw the flesh mending itself before his eyes. He screamed. I’ve never heard a human scream that way. Then he … used his ax.”

Related Characters: Nikanj (speaker), Lilith Iyapo, Joseph Li-Chin Shing, Curt Loehr
Related Symbols: Earth
Page Number: 256
Explanation and Analysis:
Book 4, Chapter 8 Quotes

Lilith watched them enviously. They didn’t lie often to humans because their sensory language had left them with no habit of lying—only of withholding information, refusing contact.

Humans, on the other hand, lied easily and often. They could not trust one another. They could not trust one of their own who seemed too close to aliens, who stripped off her clothing and lay down on the ground to help her jailer.

Related Characters: Lilith Iyapo, Joseph Li-Chin Shing, Tate Marah, Curt Loehr, Gabriel Rinaldi
Page Number: 272
Explanation and Analysis:
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Curt Loehr Quotes in Dawn

The Dawn quotes below are all either spoken by Curt Loehr or refer to Curt Loehr. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humanity, Evolution, and Genetics Theme Icon
Book 4, Chapter 6 Quotes

“I don’t believe he meant to kill anyone,” Nikanj said. “He was angry and afraid and in pain. Joseph had injured him when he hit you. Then he saw Joseph healing, saw the flesh mending itself before his eyes. He screamed. I’ve never heard a human scream that way. Then he … used his ax.”

Related Characters: Nikanj (speaker), Lilith Iyapo, Joseph Li-Chin Shing, Curt Loehr
Related Symbols: Earth
Page Number: 256
Explanation and Analysis:
Book 4, Chapter 8 Quotes

Lilith watched them enviously. They didn’t lie often to humans because their sensory language had left them with no habit of lying—only of withholding information, refusing contact.

Humans, on the other hand, lied easily and often. They could not trust one another. They could not trust one of their own who seemed too close to aliens, who stripped off her clothing and lay down on the ground to help her jailer.

Related Characters: Lilith Iyapo, Joseph Li-Chin Shing, Tate Marah, Curt Loehr, Gabriel Rinaldi
Page Number: 272
Explanation and Analysis: