Ellis Quotes in Burmese Days
Any hint of friendly feeling towards an Oriental seemed to him a horrible perversity. He was an intelligent man and an able servant of his firm, but he was one of those Englishmen—common, unfortunately—who should never be allowed to set foot in the East.
“Order the police to open fire at once!” shouted Mr. Macgregor from the other side. “You have my authority.”
“And tell them to aim low! No firing over their heads. Shoot to kill. In the guts for choice!”

Ellis Quotes in Burmese Days
Any hint of friendly feeling towards an Oriental seemed to him a horrible perversity. He was an intelligent man and an able servant of his firm, but he was one of those Englishmen—common, unfortunately—who should never be allowed to set foot in the East.
“Order the police to open fire at once!” shouted Mr. Macgregor from the other side. “You have my authority.”
“And tell them to aim low! No firing over their heads. Shoot to kill. In the guts for choice!”