

Octavia E. Butler

Xuan Hoa Character Analysis

Xuan Hoa is Gan’s sister and favorite sibling, a Terran. She also loves T’Gatoi and had hoped to be picked to be the host to her children, despite the fact that women are not often chosen to host. Had Gan decided that he could not bear T’Gatoi’s offspring, Xuan Hoa would have done it in his stead.

Xuan Hoa Quotes in Bloodchild

The Bloodchild quotes below are all either spoken by Xuan Hoa or refer to Xuan Hoa. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Bloodchild Quotes

She lay down now against T’Gatoi, and the whole left row of T’Gatoi’s limbs closed around her, holding her loosely, but securely. I had always found it comfortable to lie that way, but except for my older sister, no one else in the family liked it. They said it made them feel caged.

T’Gatoi meant to cage my mother.

Related Characters: Gan (speaker), T’Gatoi, Lien, Xuan Hoa
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

I shook my head. “Don’t do it to her, Gatoi.” I was not Qui. It seemed I could become him, though, with no effort at all. I could make Xuan Hoa my shield. Would it be easier to know that red worms were growing in her flesh instead of mine?

Related Characters: Gan (speaker), T’Gatoi, Qui, Xuan Hoa
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis:
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Xuan Hoa Quotes in Bloodchild

The Bloodchild quotes below are all either spoken by Xuan Hoa or refer to Xuan Hoa. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Bloodchild Quotes

She lay down now against T’Gatoi, and the whole left row of T’Gatoi’s limbs closed around her, holding her loosely, but securely. I had always found it comfortable to lie that way, but except for my older sister, no one else in the family liked it. They said it made them feel caged.

T’Gatoi meant to cage my mother.

Related Characters: Gan (speaker), T’Gatoi, Lien, Xuan Hoa
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

I shook my head. “Don’t do it to her, Gatoi.” I was not Qui. It seemed I could become him, though, with no effort at all. I could make Xuan Hoa my shield. Would it be easier to know that red worms were growing in her flesh instead of mine?

Related Characters: Gan (speaker), T’Gatoi, Qui, Xuan Hoa
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis: