Mr. Baylis Quotes in Babel
How had Jardine, Matheson, and Lovell known negotiations in Canton would break out in hostilities more than two years ago?
But that was obvious. They’d known because this was their intent all along. They wanted hostilities because they wanted silver, and without some miraculous change in the Qing Emperor’s mind, the only way to get that was to turn their guns on China. They’d planned on war before they had even set sail.

Mr. Baylis Quotes in Babel
How had Jardine, Matheson, and Lovell known negotiations in Canton would break out in hostilities more than two years ago?
But that was obvious. They’d known because this was their intent all along. They wanted hostilities because they wanted silver, and without some miraculous change in the Qing Emperor’s mind, the only way to get that was to turn their guns on China. They’d planned on war before they had even set sail.