Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Philip Roth's American Pastoral. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
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American Pastoral: Themes
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American Pastoral: Characters
American Pastoral: Symbols
American Pastoral: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Philip Roth

Historical Context of American Pastoral
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- Full Title: American Pastoral
- When Written: Though Roth began to form the basis for American Pastoral 1972, he only began to work on the novel in earnest in the 1990s.
- When Published: 1997
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Novel, Literary Fiction
- Setting: Newark, New Jersey
- Climax: Jessie Orcutt stabs Lou Levov with a fork in the Swede’s house in Old Rimrock.
- Antagonist: Rita Cohen
- Point of View: First Person and Third Person
Extra Credit for American Pastoral
Asynchronistic Pastoral. American Pastoral draws from real historical events, but it features a slight asynchronism. In the novel, Merry Levov has a “Weatherman motto” (the Weathermen were a militant far-left organization that originated as a faction of Students for a Democratic Society) tacked to her bedroom wall. This is impossible, given that Merry committed her crime and fled home in 1968, while the Weathermen wasn’t active before 1969.
Philanthropic Roth. Roth left over $2 million dollars and his personal library, which consists of around 7,000 volumes, to the Newark Public Library. In 2021, the Newark Public Library opened the Philip Roth Personal Library for the public.