Mrs. Greeder Quotes in American Born Chinese
“Class, I’d like us all to give a warm Mayflower welcome to your new friend and classmate Jing Jang!”
“Jin Wang.”
“Jin Wang! He and his family moved to our neighborhood all the way from China!”
“San Francisco.”
“San Francisco!”
“My momma says Chinese people eat dogs.”
“Now be nice, Timmy! I’m sure Jin doesn’t do that! In fact, Jin’s family probably stopped that sort of thing as soon as they came to the United States!”
“Class, I’d like us all to give a big Mayflower Elementary welcome to your new friend and classmate Chei-Chen Chun!”
“Wei-Chen Sun.”
“Wei-Chen Sun! He and his family recently moved to our neighborhood all the way from China!”

Mrs. Greeder Quotes in American Born Chinese
“Class, I’d like us all to give a warm Mayflower welcome to your new friend and classmate Jing Jang!”
“Jin Wang.”
“Jin Wang! He and his family moved to our neighborhood all the way from China!”
“San Francisco.”
“San Francisco!”
“My momma says Chinese people eat dogs.”
“Now be nice, Timmy! I’m sure Jin doesn’t do that! In fact, Jin’s family probably stopped that sort of thing as soon as they came to the United States!”
“Class, I’d like us all to give a big Mayflower Elementary welcome to your new friend and classmate Chei-Chen Chun!”
“Wei-Chen Sun.”
“Wei-Chen Sun! He and his family recently moved to our neighborhood all the way from China!”