All the Light We Cannot See
Introduction + Context
Plot Summary
Detailed Summary & Analysis
0. Leaflets
0. Bombers
0. The Girl
0. The Boy
0. Saint-Malo
0. Number 4 rue Vauborel
0. Cellar
0. Bombs Away
1. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
1. Zollverein
1. Key Pound
1. Radio
1. Take Us Home
1. Something Rising
1. Light
1. Our Flag Flutters Before Us
1. Around the World in Eighty Days
1. The Professor
1. Sea of Flames
1. Open Your Eyes
1. Fade
1. The Principles of Mechanics
1. Rumors
1. Bigger Faster Brighter
1. Mark of the Beast
1. Letter #1: Jutta
1. Good Evening. Or Heil Hitler if You Prefer
1. Bye-bye, Blind Girl
1. Making Socks
1. Flight
1. Herr Siedler
1. Exodus
2. Saint-Malo
2. Number 4 rue Vauborel
2. Hotel of Bees
2. Down Six Flights
2. Trapped
3. Château
3. Entrance Exam
3. Brittany
3. Madame Manec
3. You Have Been Called
3. Occupier
3. Don’t Tell Lies
3. Etienne
3. Jungmänner
3. Vienna
3. The Boches
3. Hauptmann
3. Flying Couch
3. The Sum of Angles
3. The Professor
3. Letters #2-4: Werner to Jutta
3. Perfumer
3. Time of the Ostriches
3. Weakest
3. Mandatory Surrender
3. Museum
3. The Wardrobe
3. Blackbirds
3. Letter #5: to Daniel LeBlanc
3. Bath
3. Weakest (#2)
3. The Arrest of the Locksmith
4. The Fort of La Cité
4. Atelier de Réparation
4. Two Cans
4. Number 4 rue Vauborel
4. What They Have
4. Trip Wire
5. January Recess
5. He Is Not Coming Back
5. Prisoner
5. Plage du Môle
5. Lapidary
5. To Marie-Laure, from Daniel
5. Entropy
5. The Rounds
5. Nadel im Heuhaufen
5. Proposal
5. You Have Other Friends
5. Old Ladies’ Resistance Club
5. Diagnosis
5. Weakest (#3)
5. Daniel LeBlanc to His Daughter
5. Grotto
5. Intoxicated
5. The Blade and the Whelk
5. Letter #8: Jutta to Werner
5. Alive Before You Die
5. No Out
5. The Disappearance of Harold Bazin
5. Everything Poisoned
5. Visitors
5. Letter #9: Werner to Jutta
5. The Frog Cooks
5. Orders
5. Pneumonia
5. Letter #10: Daniel LeBlanc to His Daughter
5. Treatments
5. Heaven
5. Frederick
5. Relapse
6. Someone in the House
6. The Death of Walter Bernd
6. Sixth-floor Bedroom
6. Sixth-floor Bedroom
6. In the Attic
7. Prisoners
7. The Wardrobe
7. East
7. One Ordinary Loaf
7. Volkheimer
7. Fall
7. Sunflowers
7. Stones
7. Grotto
7. Hunting
7. The Messages
7. Loudenvielle
7. Gray
7. Fever
7. The Third Stone
7. The Bridge
7. Rue des Patriarches
7. White City
7. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
7. Telegram
8. Fort National
8. In the Attic
8. The Heads
8. Delirium
8. Water
8. The Beams
8. The Transmitter
8. Voice
9. Edge of the World
9. Numbers
9. May
9. Hunting (Again)
9. Letter #11: From Werner to Jutta
9. “Claire de Lune”
9. Antenna
9. Big Claude
9. Boulangerie
9. Grotto
9. Agoraphobia
9. Nothing
9. Forty Minutes
9. The Girl
9. Little House
9. Sea of Flames
9. The Arrest of Etienne LeBlanc
9. 7 August 1944
9. Leaflets
10. Entombed
10. Fort National
10. Captain Nemo’s Last Words
10. Visitor
10. Final Sentence
10. Music #1
10. Music #2
10. Music #3
10. Out
10. Wardrobe
10. Comrades
10. The Simultaneity of Instants
10. Are You There?
10. Second Can
10. Birds of America
10. Cease-fire
10. Chocolate
10. Light
11. Berlin
11. Paris
12. Volkheimer
12. Jutta
12. Duffel
12. Saint-Malo
12. Laboratory
12. Visitor
12. Paper Airplane
12. The Key
12. Sea of Flames
12. Frederick
9. Numbers (2)
All Themes
World War II, the Nazis, and the French Resistance
Interconnectedness and Separation
Fate, Duty, and Free Will
Science and “Ways of Seeing”
All Characters
Marie-Laure LeBlanc
Werner Pfennig
Daniel LeBlanc
Frank Volkheimer
Jutta Pfennig
Frau Elena
Great-Uncle Etienne LeBlanc
Madame Manec
Sergeant Major Reinhold von Rumpel
Dr. Hauptmann
Henri LeBlanc
All Symbols
The Sea of Flames
The Models of Paris and Saint-Malo
Whelks, Mollusks, and Shells
Literary Devices
All Literary Devices
Dramatic Irony
Verbal Irony
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All the Light We Cannot See
Anthony Doerr
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Plot Summary
Summary & Analysis
0. Leaflets
0. Bombers
0. The Girl
0. The Boy
0. Saint-Malo
0. Number 4 rue Vauborel
0. Cellar
0. Bombs Away
1. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
1. Zollverein
1. Key Pound
1. Radio
1. Take Us Home
1. Something Rising
1. Light
1. Our Flag Flutters Before Us
1. Around the World in Eighty Days
1. The Professor
1. Sea of Flames
1. Open Your Eyes
1. Fade
1. The Principles of Mechanics
1. Rumors
1. Bigger Faster Brighter
1. Mark of the Beast
1. Letter #1: Jutta
1. Good Evening. Or Heil Hitler if You Prefer
1. Bye-bye, Blind Girl
1. Making Socks
1. Flight
1. Herr Siedler
1. Exodus
2. Saint-Malo
2. Number 4 rue Vauborel
2. Hotel of Bees
2. Down Six Flights
2. Trapped
3. Château
3. Entrance Exam
3. Brittany
3. Madame Manec
3. You Have Been Called
3. Occupier
3. Don’t Tell Lies
3. Etienne
3. Jungmänner
3. Vienna
3. The Boches
3. Hauptmann
3. Flying Couch
3. The Sum of Angles
3. The Professor
3. Letters #2-4: Werner to Jutta
3. Perfumer
3. Time of the Ostriches
3. Weakest
3. Mandatory Surrender
3. Museum
3. The Wardrobe
3. Blackbirds
3. Letter #5: to Daniel LeBlanc
3. Bath
3. Weakest (#2)
3. The Arrest of the Locksmith
4. The Fort of La Cité
4. Atelier de Réparation
4. Two Cans
4. Number 4 rue Vauborel
4. What They Have
4. Trip Wire
5. January Recess
5. He Is Not Coming Back
5. Prisoner
5. Plage du Môle
5. Lapidary
5. To Marie-Laure, from Daniel
5. Entropy
5. The Rounds
5. Nadel im Heuhaufen
5. Proposal
5. You Have Other Friends
5. Old Ladies’ Resistance Club
5. Diagnosis
5. Weakest (#3)
5. Daniel LeBlanc to His Daughter
5. Grotto
5. Intoxicated
5. The Blade and the Whelk
5. Letter #8: Jutta to Werner
5. Alive Before You Die
5. No Out
5. The Disappearance of Harold Bazin
5. Everything Poisoned
5. Visitors
5. Letter #9: Werner to Jutta
5. The Frog Cooks
5. Orders
5. Pneumonia
5. Letter #10: Daniel LeBlanc to His Daughter
5. Treatments
5. Heaven
5. Frederick
5. Relapse
6. Someone in the House
6. The Death of Walter Bernd
6. Sixth-floor Bedroom
6. Sixth-floor Bedroom
6. In the Attic
7. Prisoners
7. The Wardrobe
7. East
7. One Ordinary Loaf
7. Volkheimer
7. Fall
7. Sunflowers
7. Stones
7. Grotto
7. Hunting
7. The Messages
7. Loudenvielle
7. Gray
7. Fever
7. The Third Stone
7. The Bridge
7. Rue des Patriarches
7. White City
7. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
7. Telegram
8. Fort National
8. In the Attic
8. The Heads
8. Delirium
8. Water
8. The Beams
8. The Transmitter
8. Voice
9. Edge of the World
9. Numbers
9. May
9. Hunting (Again)
9. Letter #11: From Werner to Jutta
9. “Claire de Lune”
9. Antenna
9. Big Claude
9. Boulangerie
9. Grotto
9. Agoraphobia
9. Nothing
9. Forty Minutes
9. The Girl
9. Little House
9. Numbers (2)
9. Sea of Flames
9. The Arrest of Etienne LeBlanc
9. 7 August 1944
9. Leaflets
10. Entombed
10. Fort National
10. Captain Nemo’s Last Words
10. Visitor
10. Final Sentence
10. Music #1
10. Music #2
10. Music #3
10. Out
10. Wardrobe
10. Comrades
10. The Simultaneity of Instants
10. Are You There?
10. Second Can
10. Birds of America
10. Cease-fire
10. Chocolate
10. Light
11. Berlin
11. Paris
12. Volkheimer
12. Jutta
12. Duffel
12. Saint-Malo
12. Laboratory
12. Visitor
12. Paper Airplane
12. The Key
12. Sea of Flames
12. Frederick
All Themes
World War II, the Nazis, and the French Resistance
Interconnectedness and Separation
Fate, Duty, and Free Will
Science and “Ways of Seeing”
All Characters
Marie-Laure LeBlanc
Werner Pfennig
Daniel LeBlanc
Frank Volkheimer
Jutta Pfennig
Frau Elena
Great-Uncle Etienne LeBlanc
Madame Manec
Sergeant Major Reinhold von Rumpel
Dr. Hauptmann
Henri LeBlanc
All Symbols
The Sea of Flames
The Models of Paris and Saint-Malo
Whelks, Mollusks, and Shells
Lit Devices
All Literary Devices
Dramatic Irony
Verbal Irony
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