Agnes Grey


Anne Brontë

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Henry “Harry” Meltham Character Analysis

The younger son of aristocrat Sir Hugh Meltham, Harry Meltham is one of Rosalie Murray’s admirers. Though Rosalie is not interested in marrying a younger son, Harry Meltham continues to pursue Rosalie in London after her marriage to Sir Thomas Ashby, leading a jealous Sir Thomas Ashby to withdraw with Rosalie to the Ashby country estate.
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Henry “Harry” Meltham Character Timeline in Agnes Grey

The timeline below shows where the character Henry “Harry” Meltham appears in Agnes Grey. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 9: The Ball
Education, Authority, and Class Theme Icon
Money vs. Love in Marriage Theme Icon
Women and Fulfillment Theme Icon
...has told Rosalie that she will see past this fact soon enough. Rosalie also mentions Harry Meltham (whom she likes but does not see as a serious prospect because he’s a younger... (full context)
Education, Authority, and Class Theme Icon
Money vs. Love in Marriage Theme Icon
Women and Fulfillment Theme Icon
Power and Cruelty Theme Icon
...bored, Agnes asks Rosalie which admirer she prefers. Rosalie claims to scorn them all. Though Harry Meltham is the most entertaining and Mr. Hatfield the most intelligent, she guesses she’ll end up... (full context)
Chapter 10: The Church
Power and Cruelty Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
...the carriage door in her face after helping the Murrays in. In fact, Mr. Hatfield, Harry Meltham , and the Murrays’ other visitors never acknowledge Agnes. (full context)
Power and Cruelty Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
...decides to attend a second church service in the afternoon so that she can see Harry Meltham again and so that Agnes can hear Mr. Weston preach. In church, Agnes is struck... (full context)
Education, Authority, and Class Theme Icon
Money vs. Love in Marriage Theme Icon
Power and Cruelty Theme Icon
After church, Harry Meltham hands Rosalie and Matilda into their carriage—but not Agnes, though he doesn’t shut the door... (full context)
Chapter 17: Confessions 
Power and Cruelty Theme Icon
...which helps keep the engagement quiet. Meanwhile, one Mr. Green keeps writing Rosalie love letters, Harry Meltham keeps visiting, and Rosalie tries to ensnare Mr. Weston. Rosalie begins visiting the poor cottagers... (full context)
Chapter 22: The Visit
Education, Authority, and Class Theme Icon
Women and Fulfillment Theme Icon
Power and Cruelty Theme Icon
Religion Theme Icon
...their village acquaintances, Rosalie mentions that jealous Sir Ashby took her away from London because Harry Meltham was following her around there. Agnes looks alarmed, and Rosalie claims that she can’t help... (full context)
Chapter 23: The Park
Education, Authority, and Class Theme Icon
Money vs. Love in Marriage Theme Icon
Women and Fulfillment Theme Icon
...He’s controlling and wishes to keep her in the countryside so she can’t flirt with Harry Meltham or spend money, though he himself gambles, has affairs, and drinks too much. (full context)