Described as a “big black battered hearse-like automobile,” the Misfit’s car is a clear symbol for death when it enters the family’s story of petty conflicts. A hearse, a type of car that is unusually long and designed to carry the coffin to a funeral, is an unambiguous indication that the idea of death has arrived—for both the family and in the mind of the reader. Sure enough, it turns out that the car’s passengers—the Misfit, Bobby Lee, and Hiram—are killers, and they end up murdering Bailey’s entire family. The hearse-like car thus also symbolizes that the Misfit and his henchmen are carrying a history of violence and death with them.
The Misfit’s Car Quotes in A Good Man is Hard to Find
The car continued to come on slowly, disappeared around a bend and appeared again, moving even slower, on the top of the hill they had gone over. It was a big black battered hearse-like automobile.